Thanksgiving | Teen Ink


March 13, 2015
By Kendall Teixeira BRONZE, Patterson, California
Kendall Teixeira BRONZE, Patterson, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Thanksgiving is my favorite time of the year! I wake up thinking about the amazing food comma I’m going to be in around five O’clock in the afternoon with a nap to follow is just what makes Thanksgiving that much better. Of course I am thankful for my family, friends, pets, insects and even my little dweeb of a brother Charlie. Charlie is four now and is still a pain in my side, ever since I graduated eighth grade. Last Thanksgiving he insists on following me everywhere, and to be honest it drove me nuts! My mom would always tell me, “It’s because he looks up to you.” I always ignored her before she would get on her high horse.
This Thanksgiving I was excited to cook the Thanksgiving meal. I’m eighteen now and I feel as though I can be grown and get the job done, just like my mother. With that said I knew it wasn’t going to be easy so I got a head start on grocery shopping and set up the tables two days before. I had this in the bag. I started cooking the turkey the night before and realized that this was going to be really hard to do. I was freaking out! I forgot to get the pumpkin pie! I ran to the store to get the pumpkin pie, but by the time I got there they were all gone so I went to the corner store and grabbed a tub of ice cream to try and make up the time that the turkey was in the oven. I had a timer on my phone, for when the bird would be cooked. Of course, with my luck it never went off, which made me think I had one stop to find a pie. I ran to the bakery down the road from my house to finally find the last large pumpkin pie. I got back home to find the oven smoking up a storm I freak out and take the turkey out of the oven! It was ruined! I fell apart, I felt like I was a frailer. I didn't live up to my mothers expectations and I almost burned the house down for crying out loud. I will forever be a disappointment, but I wasn't about to let this ruin our entire Thanksgiving. After everything I had been through today, I decide that we are just going to have a pie eating contest and Chinese food. This seemed to solve all my problems, I had a dessert and my family would be eating the best Chinese food on this planet. I guess hosting thanksgiving really isn't that bad. Happy Turkey Day Everyone!

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