No More Highway Speed Limits | Teen Ink

No More Highway Speed Limits

March 31, 2015
By Gagetherealdiehl SILVER, League City, Texas
Gagetherealdiehl SILVER, League City, Texas
6 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me"- Philippians 4:13
That's Swagelicious
What a Jack wagon

I look around and see the huge sky scrapers. I look at all of the cars, and all of the people. I leave for work every day just barely before the sun rises. Every day I get stuck in rush hour and deal with many people that perhaps should not be driving. Then one day it happened.
Beep, Beep, Beep. My alarm blares much too early, I look over at the clock in frustration. 4:30! After throwing the clock across the room I just said to myself, “here I go again”. I grudgingly get in the shower and take a small nap in my ceramic mattress, and let the water keep me warm like a nice heating blanket. All the while dredging getting in the Houston traffic. I brush my teeth, comb my hair, and put on my suit. I go to get in my red smart car and pray for safe travel on the highway.
As I travel down the road I contemplate getting on the highway, I think of how it would be best to get on. Then the moment came, the moment when I get on. It all happened so quickly and so easily. All the cars were perfectly woven in such a way that highway driving seemed easier than even breathing. Everything went together so smoothly and so easily that I even began to wonder what made me fear the drive to start with.
Then however things changed in the blink of an eye. Every car is going ten miles per hour over. Every one, except for the one driver of the one minivan in front of me. So I steadily decrease my speed. When I just knew with the bottom of my heart it was clear I put my turning signal on, changed lanes, and passed. The pass was so well executed that it seemed easier than eating food with a fork.
However this was not the end of it. There was another driver that felt if he was already breaking the speed limit by ten miles per hour, he might as well break it more. This guy was going one hundred twenty miles per hour, and he was weaving in and out of traffic.
While I was too busy trying to pass the slower driver that was attempting to obey the law, I did not see the guy weaving in and out of traffic at one hundred twenty miles per hour. Even still with all the caution I had, I still got hit, they came out of nowhere.
The next thing I know I am in this little tiny car tumbling down the highway at seventy miles per hour! My whole life flashed before my eyes, it was the scariest thing that has ever happened to me. Seven rolls and air born for three seconds. Just then I quit rolling, I look out the window and my car is on all four wheels again. Then all of a sudden everything got real hot, like oven kind of hot. So I got out of my car and ran away as fast I could. Just then my car exploded and the shock wave blew me off my feet. I tried to get up but my vision was way overly blurred and I was so dizzy I couldn’t even sit up. So I just lay there. Then something smelled like it was burning really close to me, I barely lifted my head up to see what it was and I was on fire. I rolled around the very best that I could.
By the time I had rolled the fire out an ambulance came, all because some nice person driving by called them. The paramedics got me temporarily fixed up and took me to the hospital. From there they took really good care of me.
After everything was all said and done. A family member took me home. Once I got home I began to think of how I could help prevent this from happening to anyone else. Then it hit me, I knew what to do. I would get the speed limit law on highways taken off and have it changed to an advisory speed limit. This was the very best idea I have had in a long time.
I immediately rode my bike to the rental car place down the road, got a car, and drove to the office building of the representative over the district of Houston Texas. I walked directly into his office, sat in the chair in front of his desk, and told him my problems and how they could be fixed. When he said “nope to bad”, I walked out of his office and went home.
The next day I drove to the airport and got on an airplane heading to Washington DC. When I got there, I rented another car and drove up to the white house. Pushed the door open. Walked up to the president’s office, pushed the door open and sat down in the chair directly in front his desk.
When the president asked me why I walked directly into his office without any type of clearance, I told him what my problem was. I said, “I got rammed by a car because of the speed limits that my state representative enforced, that you then agreed on”. Then I said, “It would be nice if you could make these speed limits advisory speed limits before your citizens get killed”! When he asked me why I felt so strongly about this I said, “The world would be a better place if you could made the speed limits advisory on highways, the world would be a better place if less deaths occurred on highways in America”. I said all of this as peacefully and as nicely as I could. Then when he asked me why I walked straight in I said, “Your guards wouldn’t have let me in if I asked, they may have turned me away”. The last thing I said to the president was, “Have a blessed happy day”. Then I walked back out of the white house.
On the plane ride home, the plane had TV’s on it. So I turned mine to the news, and the news people were talking about the president. He said on national television he would do all he could to change the speed limits on highways to advisory speed limits. I was so ecstatic that I almost broke my airplane chair bouncing around.
By the time I got to the airport, the state legislature was ordering the state to change all highway speed limits to advisory speed limits. When I read this on yahoo news I was so excited that I nearly threw my IPhone in the air.
The drive from the airport to home was the smoothest it has ever been. The following week I went to the dealership to go buy a new smart car and spent the entire day driving it all over Houston. That drive was the very best drive I have ever driven. No one speeding and no one driving slower than the traffic flow. The Texas highway death toll went from over two thousand, to only hundreds. The world is most definitely a better place now that the highway speed limits are changed to advisory speed limits. 

The author's comments:

Highway speed limits need to be advisory

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This article has 8 comments.

on Apr. 17 2015 at 10:08 pm
Gagetherealdiehl SILVER, League City, Texas
6 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me"- Philippians 4:13
That's Swagelicious
What a Jack wagon

I have never seen an out look on the highway system like that. I hope your story brings about lots of change!

Sdiehl said...
on Apr. 2 2015 at 6:52 pm

CDIEHL said...
on Apr. 2 2015 at 5:12 pm
Wow i really like your outlook and perspective on the current freeway system!

on Apr. 1 2015 at 10:03 pm
Gagetherealdiehl SILVER, League City, Texas
6 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me"- Philippians 4:13
That's Swagelicious
What a Jack wagon

Thanks jimmy!

JPayne said...
on Apr. 1 2015 at 9:30 pm
Wow. I really enjoyed this!

Beetootie said...
on Apr. 1 2015 at 9:42 am
You may have a great idea! I'm so glad you survived that crash!

on Mar. 31 2015 at 6:46 pm
Thank you so much!

kgatz86 said...
on Mar. 31 2015 at 6:37 pm
Great read! I think you're on to something here! Thank you, I really enjoyed reading.