The Perfect Boyfriend | Teen Ink

The Perfect Boyfriend

May 14, 2015
By Nicole Leimkuehler BRONZE, Morrison, Mo, Missouri
Nicole Leimkuehler BRONZE, Morrison, Mo, Missouri
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Perfect Boyfriend
When I was younger I was never in any fights, or violence in general. I always followed the rules no matter what. After high school I met Devon. He was tall, quite lanky, with several tattoos. We first met in a coffee shop, I was on my way to work and decided to grab a caramel latte. As I was waiting in line, this guy walked up to me, he asked me how my day was going. I replied with a smile, I told him that my day was going very well.
That night we went on our first date, he was very polite, and we got along incredibly well. Devon seemed so nice and genuine, he payed for the meal and we left. After a month or so, we were officially dating. I noticed that he would get nervous around cops when we would go out places. I was curious about why he started to act different. I started to think about our relationship, and even though we just met a couple months ago, I loved him. I wouldn’t do anything that would risk our relationship.
A few months later he asked me if I really loved him. Confused I answered yes, why would he say something like that? Thats when he asked me the toughest question I ever has to answer. He asked me to rob a bank with him, he said if I really loved him I would do it for the both of us. I thought about it for quite a while. I made my decision, I was going to do it; because I really loved him.
We had set a plan. We were both going to go in the bank that was right next to the grocery store, he said it will be easy. We will go in with ski masks, and loaded pistols. Devon promised me that we wouldn’t shoot anybody, or get caught. Then we will be rich. The day of the robbery I was getting ready, there was a knot in my stomach the size of a softball. I was so nervous, there was something telling me not to do it. It was going to be ten minutes of terror, but it would be worth it. We were ready to leave, we walked to the car and started driving. He asked me if I was ready, I looked over with worry in my eyes and said yes. But I wasn’t ready, I was never going to be.
We are at the bank parking lot now, Devon put on his black ski mask, and I did the same. Then we got out of the car with guns in our hands, he gave me a look, and I knew, we were doing this.  Devon started to run and I ran right behind him. When we got inside the bank, people started to scream, and I could see the look of terror written on their faces. I didn’t like it, and I could feel tears welling in my eyes. I froze, and couldn’t move. I saw Devon running to the accountant and he started yelling, he was terrifying. This wasn't right, I wanted to run but I couldn’t. Then I heard a gunshot. It seemed like slow motion, I looked over and saw the accountant fall to the ground. He just shot her with no look of remorse. My senses came back to me and I started to cry, I ran out of the double doors. He promised me that he wouldn’t shoot anyone, but he did, he ended a life. I ran as fast as I could into the store that was right across the street, I threw the gun and the ski mask into the trash can. I walked inside with tears burning in my eyes. I called the police and told them who robbed the bank.
And that is how I got here in this small confined room with thousands of questions being thrown in my direction. All I know at this point is that I had made a huge mistake, and if I could take it all back I would.

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