Schoodic | Teen Ink


June 3, 2015
By Maxdog12 BRONZE, Hancock, Maine
Maxdog12 BRONZE, Hancock, Maine
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I was climbing Schoodic mountain with my friend Jose and we were just running all around it jumping and screaming. I was admiring the wonderful view of the lake it was just all fun and games. About halfway up we decided to go off the trail a little ways and eat lunch. I was having a double peanut butter and fluff white wheat sandwich. While Jose was having some sandwich called a Dagwood. It looked disgusting shriveled up  lettuce wet bacon and a couple other things I can't recall.

Jose told me I wasn't going to be able to fuel my body on all that sugar and fat in the fluff. I told him I don't care it's a lot better than that Dagwood of his then he went into one of those lecture moments that you can't get him to shut up.
Then we finished eating and went back up to the trail and started following it. We were heading up the mountain and there was this part of the trail that was really open the trees around it had no low hanging limbs and Jose spotted out a deer over to our left it was really beautiful I loved it. We watched her as she grazed further and further until she was out of sight. Then eventually once we got going again we went  down a slanted Boulder with the greenest moss I had ever seen. The whole thing was wonderful with the sweet maple smell of the pine trees. We got to a part where a river ran down the rocks and looked extremely slippery so Jose and I decided to walk around this part of the trail. We walked a little ways and and decided to take quick water break.
Jose and I finished the water break and continued up the mountain then we met a group of people and they said be careful theirs a ground hornets nest up ahead.
We kept walking and saw a paper note and I said it must've been where the hornets are. Jose and I walked up and around the the hornets nest. We kept walking and found a piece that ran along the edge of the mountain looking down I saw an area where work vehicles littered the ground . Then to the right it seemed like I could see the whole lake. It seemed like I could see all the way to the Sullivan corey . Even though I probably couldn't.
Jose and I kept walking up and up the mountain then we could finally see the top. We ran to the top full of excitement then disaster struck I forgot my camera. I was almost in shock it felt like I thought I would die I needed those pictures for an essay due tomorrow. I told Jose and he said he brought his camera for the essay himself and said we could share them.
Jose and I stood up there for hours looking at the view and playing around. Then it came 3:00 and I said we better start heading down before our parents get scared. Jose agreed and we started heading down.
So we we were walking down and finally reached where we thought the ground hornet were and went around and saw this cliff on our right and I said I didn't remember it being there. We continued walking and got back to the trail. Then Jose started jumping and running through the the woods like a maniac. He had stepped on the ground hornets nest. I ran to the left following Jose then stopped and waited for 5 seconds  then I heard the most blood curtailing scream ever.
     I went towards where I heard the scream running and jumping over rocks and roots. My mind was racing did he have an allergic reaction did he fall or what. I had no idea where or how far in he was. I just kept going in his general direction.
When it felt like I had gone in 15 circles from I stumbled across a cliff and at the bottom of the cliff was Jose I found a way around the cliff and reached Jose I thought he was dead he was just lying there. then In a gasp ever so faintly I heard Jose stutter help. I was frantic now I was looking him over and saw a huge gash in his leg I quickly grabbed the knife out of his bag and cut off part of my shirt then tied it around his leg. After I found a sturdy nearby stick and stuck it in the hole of the knot and tightened it. I poured water over his wound and it looked like it almost reached the bone.
     It had been almost an hour and the sun was going down we only had food for lunch and I knew we were going to be out here a while. So I left Jose there and got some wood to make a fires.
The sun had gone down and I still had no idea what I was going to do to make a fire. We must have been a little less than halfway down. I decided to look through Jose's bag and found a surprising lighter. I had no idea why he brought  it, but for some reason at the time I thought it was because he meant to get us stuck out here.
I finally started a fire and went to sleep. The next morning I was starving and searched Josie's bag and I figured out why he had a lighter in the bottom of his bag were five cigarettes I couldn't believe it. I was astonished that the perfect grade A student smoked.
After putting aside the cigarettes I found three nature valley granola bars. I munched down one package of them immediately. Then I went and gathered wood for the fire and added a bunch of logs and some wet stuff. Then I looked to my left and saw a bunch of weird looking berries. I had no idea what they were but I knew to watch and see if the birds ate it because if they do then we can. Within five minutes I saw a bird eating some and went over and started picking them. I got a good handful and I was stuffing them in my pocket.
then I went a ways to try to find the trail but kept my bearings of where Jose was. Then I heard voices and ran towards them screaming for help then suddenly it was silent I stopped screaming I thought it was all over at that point I'd never get out. So I slowly trudged back to Jose.
At this time I was feeling pretty down I thought that I would never get out and never be able to live a normal life again.
I got back to camp and Jose was there and awake eating a granola bar and asked where he was and I told him the story then gave him some of the berries to eat and moisten up his mouth. Jose was extremely grateful for the berries. When he was talking a I swear his tongue looked like a stiff old lady's arm. 
I decided to try to get some water and left and I found a river about 15 minutes walking distance from camp and filled up both water bottles. I had no way to filter the water so I took my shirt and washed it letting the water run through it then took it balled it up in a way so a point was on the end then I stifled it through the shirt into the bottle then I took it back to Jose and told him about it and he says we don't need to stifle the water in that river if he's thinking of the right one but he also said we still should. Then he took a big swig and chugged it all almost in one chug and I told him careful or he might puke then within five minutes he lost his lunch and looked like he had just seen the most gruesome image in the world. I gave him some more berries and he was eating slower this time. I went back to the stream and collected more water filtering it first. I got back and added more wood to the fire and it flung up and burnt the tip of the my hair off and I jumped back screaming. I immediately took the water and dumped it on the fire as it sizzled down to a small something. Then I looked above the fire and limbs were burning and I knew I had to move, and fast. I grabbed Jose ands ragged him to the river and I knew we had to go down it. I quickly told Jose and he was all for it.
Just as we started the long grueling track down the river the limbs fell from the tree crackling as they fell off surprisingly loud. We started moving slowly and painfully. We were moving incredibly fast for conditions. We were walking and Jose started to slip into the darkness and I knew I couldn't carry him without him helping. I was holding him up and he was hopping with his one good leg and then he started falling and I went down fast with him and he was out cold. I went got a drink and started getting long solid sticks then I took them and tied them around Jose's leg they were a little flimsy so I took my shirt and wrapped them as a self made cast so his leg stayed in one place as he walked. Then I waited for him to wake up running around getting food other stuff. Then I heard popping and saw the fire I ran back to Jose who was up the mountain a ways then I found him lying there asleep the fire had curved but it was spreading towards us from all directions I shook Jose and splashed water on his face and it surprisingly worked. We got up and started heading down then a limb fell right in front of us we started going as fast as we possibly could for our conditions. We were practically running in flames then we saw where the edge was and kept going towards it then reached it and we fell I hauled Jose up and w wept going jumping trees and other various objects our way. Then just like in a movie we jumped off a cliff into the lake almost in slow motion for a quick second it felt like I was flying then I smacked into the water Jose not far behind then the grueling swim to shore behind us a flat rocky cliff. In front open water then land. I looked to the right more water then left more water. I took the shortest route to land left I started swimming. It was long and painful but I had  no choice so I just pushed on. I found a piece of drift wood and stuffed it in my shirt as a floaty. After what felt like 99 hours which Was Probably equal to 3 but with a kid with a broken leg and the other one cut to crap. We got to land then I fell and passed out. I woke up and saw the sun going down or coming up I couldn't tell then I fell back into the black abyss I woke up a second time and I heard a vehicle. I started yelling got up and tripped back into the abyss. A third time I woke up everything was white I thought I had died then it all cleared up I was at the doctors and I realized I finally made it out and beside me in the other bed was Jose. I got up and stumbled painfully over to the window when I looked out I saw a funnel of smoke rising in the distance. I went to the doctor and asked if it was us and  I was told for the first time the destruction we had caused. Three deaths and burnt down a forest and the fire was out of control the fire department couldn't stop it. I looked outside in awe. Then the nurse instructed me to lie down on my bed until my parents arrived. So I waited and it took hours for them to arrive apparently there was an extreme amount of traffic. The fire must have been way out of control. When parents got here we talked about how lucky I am and how I'm not allowed to go out like that again. Then they told me that Freddy Richman was the person that saved me. He was part of the search and rescue team.
     After about five days the fire was roaring and still unstoppable we were being ordered out and half the people were gone when the fire department chief came by and said it was under control now. When the news got to me there was already a heard of people heading back. After what felt like forever of standing and walking and stoping then all over again I finally got back to my room and went to sleep.
     I woke up to a blaring alarm and a nurse running by with a person in a wheelchair. I got up and stopped the next person and asked them what was happening they urgently replied get out of the building. I had been feeling way better but, the only reason the doctors kept me is because they needed to run more tests. So after considering waiting for a nurse I decided to get out on my own I walked down the corridors chaos all around me but I somehow felt the need to stay calm. I found the stairs and and jogged down hearing loud bangs above me after getting down several flights of stairs everything around me fell and I was stuck in a cave of debris no way out just small openings big enough for light. I started screaming for help but no one would answer. After hours of waiting I finally got tired and fell asleep.
     I woke up from a whistle blowing and started screaming for help then out of nowhere a face was where the light used to be. There was a middle aged man with a dust covered face and the second he spotted me in my little corner he told me it would be alright and that he'd be right back.
After what felt like hours he returned and said there will be a lot of noise then he told me to catch and down came some water and an energy bar. Then after several minutes of incomprehensible talking and clanging of I heard the sound of a jackhammer.
Then after even more hours of waiting. The,rescue workers broke through and a huge piece of concrete landed inches from me. After I wiped all the junk from the concrete out of my eye there was a rope dangling inches from my face. I gripped the rope and put my foot in the hold then I said pul and a couple seconds later I heard the grunting of men. Then I reached the top and grabbed the edge and of the hole and started pulling myself out. Then I was out.
Once I got out I was offered another water and grabbed then walked away. I was stunned by everything and never looked at anything the same way.
One week after the disaster the fireman got the fire under control. Another five months after that the clean up of rubble was finished and the death toll reached 1400 all from on small spark that had saved a life but kill many others.

      This just goes to show one way that a spark  could create a roaring fire.

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