Kill Two Birds With One Stone | Teen Ink

Kill Two Birds With One Stone

June 1, 2015
By Fangirl10thDoctor BRONZE, Hillsborough, North Carolina
Fangirl10thDoctor BRONZE, Hillsborough, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“No!” They wouldn’t quit bothering me and I was about to burst.  
“Come on, Jen.” He was practically mocking me now.
“Let the skeleton out of the closet.” Now Erin was doing it!
“I’ll tell you... OVER MY DEAD BODY! Or maybe not because I’d be 6 feet under.” I’m not going to tell them and I don’t know why they think I would.
“Haha, very funny, Jen. You know you aren't going to be able to keep this in forever”
“Shut up, Joseph, I’m not going to tell you what happened at th.. the...” And now I have burst. “Why don’t you just get out!”
“This isn’t your house, Jennifer,” he said looking as smug as could be.
“Yeah, but this is my dorm. Do you know what that means? It means you get the flipping firetruck out before I call the dorm manager.” I know that would be a little extreme because they could get expelled for being in someone’s dorm without permission, but the only way they are going to leave is if I threaten them. Unfortunately, I know this from experience.
“My god, no need to have a stick up your butt. Come on Joe.” Or at least I knew that would get Erin out and Joe wasn’t going to stay without her.
It took her a few times to turn the handle and as they walked out Joe took something out of his pocket, probably more pills, and handed some to Erin. I’m not even sure they could get any more high.
If the crash hadn’t changed me the way it did I probably would have had a few before they left. Why had we done that? Why did I do that? I killed Morgan.
‘Just breathe’ I have to tell myself.
I have to run this through my head all the time just because of how unbelievable it seems. ‘Morgan and I were at a party,’ ‘We had too much to drink,’ ‘We were so drunk I got Morgan to take some pills,’ ‘We were offered a drive home by my completely sober friend,’ ‘I declined because I didn’t want to leave my car at Umber’s house,’ ‘I was stupidly too worried about my car, my car could be replaced unlike... unli-’.
I’m crying now.
How long have I been crying?
All I know is I am now and I just let it happen. 

“Crap!” It’s nearly noon and I was supposed to be up 3 hours ago. I’ve completely missed calculus and most of my required semester of Gym.
I’m done.
I can’t do this anymore. I’ve already missed too many hours of class and I don’t think I can do this anymore.
I try to get myself ready but I can’t, I have no energy to do anything. Even though there is probably a rule against going around campus in pajamas I do it anyway because it’s not like I’ll be here much longer. I head towards the main hall so some person behind some desk, that has no interest in me or what I’m doing, can tell me about how dropping out wouldn’t be a smart idea and that I should stay in school. On my way I see so many faces of people I have classes with and think about how it won’t even be noticed that I’m gone and strangely this makes me feel better. This reminds me that I can leave this place without having a weight on my shoulders about someone missing me or that someone here still needs me. I very nearly trip on an unlevel piece of sidewalk and lose my train of thought and realize I passed where I was supposed to turn by about a quarter mile.
“AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH-” The nearly ear busting scream was cut of by an even louder ‘BANG’. The first thing that comes to my mind is that there was a car crash but then I think about how the noise was nothing like one of a car crash. This is when I notice all the other screams making me feel like I should be screaming. From what I can tell all of it was going on around the corner of the biology building up ahead.
I’m running.
I’m running towards the unknown.
I’m running the opposite way of where I want to be running.
My legs get me around the corner and I stop. All I see are the back’s of people running farther away from where I am. Are they running from me? Am I the problem here? No. They’re running from whatever had just happened.
There it is. A gun. A gun had caused the noise. A gun caused all this chaos. A gun had caused a death.
Dead. She was laying in the grass. Face down in the grass, with long red hair covering her head and most of her back. The most curious thing to me was that her hair was still as smooth and straight as it must have been before she fell. No bumps, no tangles, no sign that she was disturbed from walking to class.
I saw no red other than that of her hair. That’s probably a good thing saying I’d bend over and lose my lunch if I saw blood.
More, there are more now, more people with guns getting ready to shoot at any living thing they see.
There are other people too but instead of guns they had looks of horror frozen on there faces. That must be what I look like but I can’t say that’s what I feel like. I don’t even know what I feel like.
The gunshots have started and no one is running. Everyone still here is to shocked to move. I look around at everyone and then I see a face that I am so happy to see and I run over to him.
“Oh my god! Morga-” I cut myself off when I see that this person isn’t my best friend, isn’t the person I’ve ever truly trusted, isn’t the person I killed with my own stupidity. It’s just someone with the same black hair that I have so many memories of.
“AAAAAAHHHH” It’s the same screaming as before but from a different voice and unbelievably louder. It’s still going and all the while seems like it is bouncing around in my head. I’m on the ground and a sharp pain is coming from my right side.
I was shot.
I stop yelling and try to lift my head up but I can’t. It’s like I was being held down to the ground by a weight on my side. Trying to get up seems like it would kill me before I bled to death. I stop trying, just like how I stopped trying with everything else in my life after Morgan died.
I’m not sure if I’m still alive because all of my scenes feel like they’ve been dulled from being shot but I don’t feel the pain anymore. At least this means I won’t have to deal with Morgan’s death and I don’t have to deal with the fact that it was my fault.

The author's comments:

This story is a little... grusome, to put it simply. This was originaly as a progect about idioms so the title, oviusly, is and idiom and there are a few in the story too. Also SPOILERS! I geuss, somewhat the title is refering to the last sentence but you will need to read the story to find out what that is.

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