Abnormal Love | Teen Ink

Abnormal Love

June 5, 2015
By _laurenw BRONZE, Harrisonburg, Virginia
_laurenw BRONZE, Harrisonburg, Virginia
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When they Aubrey’s story, they say it started at an ungodly hour in the morning. They say she fell in love in the most impossible kind of way. Not the kind of love that took years of tension and apprehension for her to realize. No, this love was inevitable, and it was so loud and beautiful that it only took her a second to realize that she wanted nothing else in life except for what was standing right before her. Underneath the lights, amidst the soft background noise of a car’s engine, she fell so deep in love that there was no hope for her. The twist of the story though is that Aubrey fell in love with no man, no woman, no animal, nothing that breathed the same air that she did. No, what she fell for provided the very air that she breathed. The air was so unhealthy, so potent with liberation that it was like a drug, and with each breath she took she fell farther and farther under its spell. She fell in love with something much more complex, far more interesting, and considerably more accepting than anything else she had ever seen. Aubrey fell in love with a city. 


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