Awake | Teen Ink


May 30, 2015
By aliha.a BRONZE, Jubail, Other
aliha.a BRONZE, Jubail, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

He pried his eyelids open to an alarm blaring in his right ear. He flipped to the other side to get a closer look at the clock and nearly tumbled off the bed coming to know he was an hour late to his interview. He scrambled to his feet and hurdled to the bathroom, one leg stubbornly clad in his cotton pajama sleeve. He undressed with haste never experienced thus far, leaping into the shower with further impetuosity. He internally debated whether brushing his teeth should be of priority at the moment, eventually disregarding the thought and patting his quivering torso dry with a monogrammed towelette. He spared no further time redressing and soon exited the lavish five-star resort he had booked for the night. He breathed out a sigh of relief upon sliding into the custom made leather interior of his car. Just the slightest bit more pleased with himself, he pushed to start and exited the lot. He was unaware of the speed limit but drove well over it nevertheless.

Upon arrival, the recruiter was less than amused. He flashed her his most winning smile and all awareness of his lack of punctuality was soon discounted.

The interview was an undeniable success. Admittedly, he had no lesser expectations of himself. He coolly shuffled to his sleek GT convertible, having opted to head back to the hotel and tend to his sleep deprived state. He paused at a red light, leaning over the dashboard to flick a dead mosquito off the windshield. Without further advance, his eyes came to meet those of a rather frantic trucker. Before the man could register the trucker’s source of panic, the four by eight skid out of control and he found himself in a head-on collisio-

He pried his eyelids open to an alarm blaring in his right ear.

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece after watching the sci-fi/mystery movie "Inception," though they may not be directly related to one another. I also left the ending open for interpretation; doing so makes things a lot easier for readers, I believe. :)

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