Prom the Worst Day of My Life | Teen Ink

Prom the Worst Day of My Life

July 14, 2015
By ShayCollett BRONZE, Leslie, Kentucky
ShayCollett BRONZE, Leslie, Kentucky
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

We all have those days that we want to forget. You know the ones you push to the back of your mind and randomly think about, while cringing and wishing you had a time machine.

For me I had many of those days, but the day that topped all the rest was my junior prom. I know what your thinking, "Prom is the most magical high school experience." This is true if your prom goes off without a hitch, which mine did not.

That morning when I woke up I received a call from the hair salon where I was supposed to have gotten my hair done, saying that they were overbooked and couldn't do my hair. No one else had an appointment available, due to prom being just a few hours away. Instead of having the beautiful hairstyle I had previously chosen, I had my hair curled by my mom. For the record my mom hasn't used a dueling iron since she was in high school until that day.
Because my hairdresser was supposed to do my makeup, my mom also done it.

I was expecting my dress to hopefully take away from my hideous hair and makeup. My dress was a strapless, fitted, long, red dress. I hadn't tried it on since I bought it. This turned out to be a huge mistake because I had gained a few pounds. Instead of looking like a model, I looked like I was in my first trimester.

The only thing I had left to look forward to, besides the night being over with, was my date, who happen to be my boyfriend of seven months. Jason showed up around six for pictures. When he seen me he was speechless and not in a good way. After explaining everything that happened and trying not to cry, we took a few pictures (which I later burned and headed) and headed to the school.

I was actually starting to have a good time dancing. The DJ was really good, he had been playing a lot of fast upbeat songs. When he played the first slow song my date took my hand and led me off the dance floor, over by the punch. I was really confused, but I just brushed it off as him needing some punch. Boy was I wrong. He dumped me! Not only did he dump me, but he spent the rest of the night making out with my ex-bff.

I tried calling my mom multiple times so I could leave early, but she never answered. I spent the Brest of the night sitting down trying not to cry. When the crowned king and queen Jason and Melinda (my ex-bff) won.

When it was finally over I was so relieved, but only for a moment. I didn't have a ride home because Jason was supposed to drop me off. There was no way that that was ever going to happen. I ended up walking the six miles back to my house. I'm still not sure where I ditched my heels. When I arrived home I didn't have my key and my parents were asleep, with all the doors locked. My mom was pretty surprised to see me laying in my tear soaked prom dress on our porch the next morning.

I hope your prom is better than mine, though I don't know how it could be worse. If you'll excuse me I think I'll go cry and try to erase that night from my memory.

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