Tiny Time Tale | Teen Ink

Tiny Time Tale

July 1, 2015
By Lovensky999 BRONZE, Hyderabad, Other
Lovensky999 BRONZE, Hyderabad, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

So close to the end, yet so much left to do and say. If only I could do it all, if only Time would stay. It's all that I ask for now, all that I pray. To let me pour my heart out for just another day.
A little rhyme never hurt anyone, eh? ;)

The other day, whilst thinking of a topic to write on, I hit a blank. What could possibly be that important to me? What could affect my life in an indifferent way? What was slipping through my fingers slowly, but surely? Time. Yes, you read it right. The undisputed answer to all these questions has been, is and will be Time. Waqt. Something that is undervalued and underestimated. Or overvalued and overestimated. Isn't that funny? Nobody gives Time exactly what it's due. And that's where the chaos begins. An ordered set of actions that leads to this chaos. Inscrutable chaos.

I've heard people talk about the immortality of Time, its ethereal nature even. What amuses me is the amount of time we waste in pondering about Time. Knowing that it waits for nothing and nobody, we continue to freeze in moments that we hold dear. We crave to relive some of them, well aware of the fallibility of the very thought. Nonetheless, we keep hoping that maybe, just maybe, all of it could come true one day. That Time may be slightly flawed after all. That something so perfect could have little imperfections in its existence too. That in its entirety, Time can be deceived once in a while.

But, these are all secret desires. The world, however, is filled with people who supposedly 'live in the moment' and end up running helter-skelter behind something or the other. Time is like a ticking bomb that can explode any second to these people. I should be including myself, despite my current stand on this issue. Who isn't afraid of Time running out? Nobody. Even though we'd all prefer to optimize every millisecond of our lives, it just isn't possible sometimes. And ironically, we end up overlooking the very purpose of Time.

This ticking bomb that waits for none has a beauty of its own. Its every second is precious, meant to be lived completely and in harmony. Sadly, this is mistaken and instead, people focus on utilising it to the dot. That isn't the purpose, and it never was. Then again, the exact purpose of something as indefinite as Time isn't defined either. So, what do we mortals do with all the time we have?

Use it. Your time on this planet is carefully measured by what you do and leave behind. That is the bitter truth, but don't let it lead you astray from living each moment as it comes.  It's okay to not be on the run 24/7 and keep achieving something. Time is ruthless, yes, but it will come around. Someday, when you least expect it to be in your favour.

I can hear the seconds ticking by without a care in the world. It frightens me, this carelessness displayed by what I consider the basis of my life. Suddenly, it strikes me. The underlying truth that I had pushed to a dark corner in the ocean of my mind. The reality I stubbornly refuse to accept.

I had to live in accordance with Time. I was the puppet controlled by this skillful puppeteer. So were a million other people. It was never the other way around, and it never would be. Not in this lifetime, atleast. 

The author's comments:

Interstellar. Had it not been for that movie, this idea would have never struck me as something to write upon.

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