The Tree Cutting Warrior | Teen Ink

The Tree Cutting Warrior

September 8, 2015
By aglanceaway BRONZE, Lawton, Oklahoma
aglanceaway BRONZE, Lawton, Oklahoma
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The warrior rides away from the battle, not even glancing back at the bodies which were defined as gruesome as death. Not letting the memories of what he had committed get the best of him, the warrior sets off to return to his homeland. Finally settling down at home, his children gather around to hear of what their "heroic" father had done. The father/warrior tells the events while making sure not to add the haunting details and to make it appropriate for them. "We were the tree cutters, making sure every last tree was cut down, however, some of the leaves were left behind as a reminder of what he had cut down." When the children went to bed after this story, the warrior decided that when they were older he would tell them just how vicious their father really was. "We were in fact as blood thirsty as the monsters we fear at night, only instead we chose to attack during the day, letting our victims see our faces as they faced death."

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