When Galaxies Fly | Teen Ink

When Galaxies Fly

October 5, 2015
By Allison_Rise GOLD, Lexington, Ohio
Allison_Rise GOLD, Lexington, Ohio
18 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"I was a child and she was a child,
In this kingdom by the sea,
But we loved with a love that was more than love—
I and my Annabel Lee—
With a love that the wingèd seraphs of Heaven
Coveted her and me." -Edgar Allan Poe

The adrenaline was coursing its way through the relaxed, complaint veins; maneuvering in and out of the crevices between her linking muscles. All at once, everything seemed unimportant and insignificant. Another sharp inhale intensified these everyday pleasures that seemed to have withdrawn themselves from her life. They hid silently in a dark corner, as if they had been sealed away with cuffs and endless chains.
One more deep, drawn-out, inhale and all the happiness in the world was exposed to her. There was bombardment of powerful coughs coming from her throat and lungs. A warm, tingling sensation filled her cheeks and she did all she could to fight the urge to smile, but the smile found its way onto her face. One look at the ceiling and it transformed into a hologram of the night sky. Beautiful scarlets and violets, indigos and viridians formed galaxies. Shooting stars whooshed past her in this blur of amazing daydreams. She saw him take an inhale and they locked eyes. He was already smiling, but when he saw her smiling like an absolute idiot he couldn’t help but laugh. She also couldn’t help but laugh because she loved his and found it rather contagious.
A million clouds of smoke were burning the back of her throat but she didn’t care, embers could start spilling from her mouth and she would still ask for one more light. Fog encased the outer circles of her vision until she could hardly see anything but what was directly across from her. She didn’t mind this, he was still sitting right in front of her.
They shared another laugh and bag of chips.

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