Who am I ? | Teen Ink

Who am I ?

October 7, 2015
By Catera BRONZE, Senoia, Georgia
Catera BRONZE, Senoia, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I was born on September 4,1989 at Houston Hospital. When I was born my mother died an hour later. My auntie was there to take me home. I went home to four new brothers. Growing up I went to school and I loved to sing. When I was five I knew what I wanted to be when I grew up. A singer. When we had family gatherings I always sung for my family. When I was twelve I joined a girl group. The group became big and became one of the biggest groups in the world. After a couple of years I went into my solo career. I was an even bigger star. I am now rich and have all I want or do I ? One day my auntie wanted to talk to me. She asked how did I feel . I told her I felt fine. Then she asked again really how do you feel. I asked her what she meant. She said that its been a long time coming to talk about how I felt about losing my mother. I tried to avoid the question but I couldn't. Finally after holding it in for 26 years I broke down. At that moment I felt like I didn't know who I was because I never knew my mother and my father didn't love me . I have always been the one to hold my emotions in and at this very moment all the money,cars and houses didn't matter what matter was how I felt and finding out who I am .

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