The Truth Behind It All | Teen Ink

The Truth Behind It All

December 29, 2015
By Anonymous

A group of teens reveal their feelings towards their friends tragic death. This story gives an in depth look on the true pain behind losing a friend, brother, and lover. Who truly hurts and who doesn't.

The question of the day: What was going on in his mind?


Chapter 1: Emma

What do you do?  That is my question. What do you do when your first love dumps you, begins a relationship with your best friend, loves her with all of his heart, and then dies? You can’t cry out and proclaim your love for him, mostly because it’s too late, but also because she is your best friend and that would break her even more. So what do you do?
I wake up, take a deep breath and go into her room. She hasn’t slept, her eyes are swollen and blueish-purple. You can see the pain behind her eyes when she tries to smile at me, but I try to smile back. Like a wave on the shore, she begins to cry again, big, hot alligator tears. Anabell steps into the room and sits beside her on the bed. Anabell is much better at comforting her than me, she is much stronger. She hurts like the rest of us, but you would never, ever know it.
Anabell and I leave to get ourselves ready for the prayer service, or the weepfest as Anabell calls it. In the shower I lose it, I know Ana can hear me because she knocks softly on the door before coming in. She talks me down and suddenly I feel relieved, maybe because I finally got it out. I exit the room so Anabell can take her shower. I hear a loud thud and pounding on the walls, I know that it is Anabell, She believes if no one is around, no one will know that she is hurt inside. Even with Anabell beating down the walls and my own heart shattered, all I can think about is how much pain she must be in. I cannot bring myself to use her name because her name means thinking about him, and I can’t do that yet.

Chapter Notes:

This is based off of a close friend of mine, I know she felt this way. She couldn't say it so I wrote it.

Chapter 2: Anabell

Is this really happening? Is Dante really gone? I was just with him Frida, him and Marcy. Oh no, Marcy. What is she going to do? They were going to get married, have kids. Odd looking ginger-indian babies, what now? I just don’t understand how this can happen. He is a junior in high school, quarterback of the football team, he was supposed to be prom king next year! I have to go to her, she needs us all.
We pull into the driveway and I can already hear everyone shouting, sobbing. I hope I never hear anything like this again. I immediately spot Marcy with Alex and Aaron, I can’t imagine what they’re going through. Sam is with Kyra, which doesn’t surprise me, God forbid they be apart. Then I see Emma and Skylar, no sign of Terri, they look up and see me. Their cheeks are stained with tears that seem to keep coming. My eyes fill to the brim with tears but I know I can’t cry so I fake a smile and go to them. This is going to be the hardest night of my life.

Chapter 3: Terri

Oh God. Where is Aaron? I call him and there’s no answer. That means he knows. I look up to Kyra and Kathleen, Kyra is calling Sam and Kathleen has her head down, but I can hear her sobs. Shane tries to console us but he is honestly no help. We make a plan to leave tonight with Kyra’s brother in attempt to get to Marcy’s. I know that is where Aaron is, but I am still so worried. That was his best friend, Dante was his brother. All of those boys were inseparable. Oh sweet baby Jesus, please help us through this. I don’t mean just Kyra, Kathleen, and I, it means our whole community. 

Chapter 4: Kyra

Sam, Keith, Marcy, they’re all over 2 hours away. My boyfriend, my brother, and my best friend are all over 2 hours away. He was Sam’s best friend, his brother. He was Keith’s ball buddy. He was Marcy’s love, her one and only love. Why did I take this trip? I should be home, they need me. I can’t even process this for myself I can only focus on getting to them. 

Chapter 5: Skylar

This is a joke. This is some kind of sick joke, a sick joke. Terri isn’t serious. She is just messing with us, she’s not even in town. How does Terri know? My phone vibrates and it’s Emma, her mom told her the same thing. I know at this point Anabell’s phone is probably busted from her throwing it, but I text back because if it isn’t she can handle this the best. She is a live-wire, but she is stronger than the rest of us. She tells us to go to Marcy’s and that is exactly what we do.
I arrive first out of the four, Terri will definitely be the last. Emma comes next, we sit down and bawl our eyes out together. Then Anabell arrives. She doesn’t cry, she doesn’t scream, she comes to check on us and then each and every other person at Marcy’s. She doesn’t shed a tear, she just comforts. I haven’t a clue how she does it, and then she gets to Alex. Anabell looks at him, he looks at her and they crumble into each other. I see that the other Skylar sees it too, her face falls. Her boyfriend crumbles into another girl, I know it hurts her. 

Chapter 6: Alex

My phone vibrates and lights up. Marcy is calling me? Must be Dante using her phone, he can’t ever remember his charger. I answer and it is Marcy. Her voice shakes and trembles and all I hear is “Dante was in a wreck” and I run to my car. I head straight for her house. I see the hummer and know that Aaron is already there. This is not good. Before I even get out of my car, I spot Aaron walk out of Marcy’s house and punch the truck. My heart sinks to my stomach and I pull out of the driveway and head to Skylar’s. I need her, I need her now.

Chapter 7: Aaron

I am playing my video game and my phone lights up with a call from Marcy. I answer, expecting to hear Dante. It isn’t him though, it’s her. She is crying, I don’t give her time to speak before I jump in my vehicle and head to her house. I go in and sit next to her, my phone lights up with a call from Terri, but I roll my eyes and ignore the call. Then Marcy’s dad walks in the house, doesn’t speak, just shakes his head from left to right. I look at Marcy and she hits the floor, head in her hands. It hits me what has happened. Dante is gone. My brother, he is gone. I don’t remember what happened next I just know that I have never felt any pain like this.

Chapter 8: Marcy

My dad walks in and I say hi to him like every other day. When he sits down next to me, I know something is wrong. Worry bubbles up in my chest and I immediately begin with the questions. He barely gets out that Dante has wrecked before I call Aaron, he doesn’t even give me time to finish before he hangs up. I then call Alex, he gives me slightly more time to finish than Aaron. I need them both here, soon
I don’t understand. My boyfriend, my lover, the love of my life, my future husband, my boy, he is gone. I won’t ever kiss him again, I won’t ever hug him again, I won’t take another picture with him, I won’t ever marry him. My happiness is gone. Why? Why me? Why him? Why now?

Chapter 9: Dante

That was so much fun. I need to call Marcy, now is probably good. I call her, no answer. I call again, still no answer. I give up right about the time she calls back. We have a short conversation about how I almost fell asleep behind the wheel, she tells me she loves me and that I need to be careful, then I lose signal.  Crap, she is gonna think I hung up on her. I try to send her a text but it doesn’t go through. I drop my phone into my lap, only for it to fall under my seat. My dogs have both fell asleep, I turn my air on full blast in attempt to keep myself awake. I haven’t slept in 27 hours and I am starting to feel it. The rain makes it so difficult to keep my eyes open. I hear a loud pop and then I am asleep again, in peace.

The author's comments:

This is sort of a true story. Yes, we lost a friend, a brother, a lover. No, I don't know if this is what everyone was thinking. I felt that I needed to write this to get peace about the wreck. Dakota was a true blessing to all who knew him.

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