The Bully | Teen Ink

The Bully

December 14, 2015
By Jahnavi BRONZE, Cupertino, California
Jahnavi BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Are you ready?” I say to Maddie, on the phone.
“Yep. Let’s go.”
Maddie and I are neighbors and we always walked together to school. I went downstairs for a quick breakfast, a warm and fluffy croissant, and then we were off.
  “Ugh. We a have a math test today!” Maddie exclaimed. Both of us hated math and were pretty lousy at it too.
“Oh yeah! I studied practically all night for it.”
When we finally got to school, there was about 15 minutes till the bell. I decided to check my phone. I had a bunch of new twitter notifications. One of them said “@maddie_ is a total loser. Why is she even alive?” All the tweets were by the same anonymous person.
“Wait a minute,” I thought, “That’s Maddie’s username!” I thought I was thinking in my head, but then Maddie said “What?”
“Look at this.”
“OMG, Who wrote that?”
“I don’t know, the username is anonymous.”
“OH NO OH NO! I’m scared! What should I do?!”
“I think you should tell the office.”
“NO! I don’t like that idea!”
“Why not? It’s the best thing to do!”
“Oh fine. But it will be awkward for me to tell them.”
“I’ll come with you. I don’t want this to get worse and then you regret not telling them.”
As we walk to the office, I could feel the tension in Maddie’s body. She was practically shaking with nervousness. But I was happy that she was going to tell someone before it got out of hand. The whole time we were walking, I was thinking of who it could be. I mean, I’m with Maddie almost 24/7, and I can’t think of what she  could have done to make someone say this.
When we got to the office, Maddie kept nudging me to talk.
“YOU talk,” she mumbled. I glanced at her and walked up to the lady sitting behind the counter.
“Ummm… excuse me?”
“Yes?” said the lady at the front desk. She had her blonde hair, streaked with white hairs, in a bun and she was wearing heavy old lady makeup. Her face was set tightly, devoid of any emotion.
“Uh, I just got this notification from an anonymous person.” I said as I showed my phone to the lady. Her face suddenly lost its strict expression and turned into a shocked one.
“Oh my! I better show the principal right away. Here, come with me, quickly.”
When  we entered her office, it looked a lot different than we thought. There was a nameplate with the name that said MRS. SHAMATA. It was placed on a desk with lots of papers. There was another desk to the side of the room, which was smaller, with three chairs next to it. It had an iPad and a couple of more papers on it. There were a bunch of award certificates on the walls and an American flag. There was nothing else and it looked kind of plain.
“Hello. How may I help you?” the principal asked, peering over her nameplate like an owl. She had her hair down with a big smile on her face from ear to ear. She wore a plain pink shirt and jeans.
“Hi,” I replied nervously and explained what happened. When I was done I could see the worried look on her face. She went through all the tweets.
“Oh my Lord! We must find out who it was,” she said in a worried voice. “ But we will need you guys to help us with this investigation.”
“OK,” said Maddie. “But what about our classes? School starts in couple of minutes.”
“Are you fine with coming here for brunch and lunch? That is the only way you won’t have to skip classes.” said Mrs. Shamata.
I nodded and gestured for Maddie to leave with me.
“Thank you, Mrs. Shamata,” I said gratefully, and left her office.
There was a couple minutes till the bell so we had to get to class. I was kind of excited because I thought it would be fun to do this investigation. But I was also really sad for Maddie. I could see her in the corner of the classroom where she sat in math. The period went really, really, slowly. We had a test that I had studied for, but I couldn’t think straight with all that was going on in my head. I could barely remember how to do each problem. When I finally finished the test and class was finally over, it was time for second period. We just had to read all period which was quite fun as I loved reading.
When brunch came along, Maddie and I met up and headed to the office. We were quickly directed to the office.
“Hello! Hello! Come in!” said Mrs. Shamata. “So we did some reasearch  and found out a couple of people whom it may be.”
“Who is it?” Maddie asked eagerly.
“Well, we narrowed it down to three people. The people are Sam, Harry, and Alexa.”
“What!? I only know Alexa! Who are the other two people and what did I ever do to them?” Maddie said in a sad and angry voice.
“Well, we are gonna call them over here on the loudspeaker now, so all three of them will come here.”
“Okay,” said Maddie.
When they came in, Maddie and I were instructed to go outside. Mrs. Shamata would talk to then and try to get them to admit they did it. I could hear her telling them to admit that they did it. In the end, no one admitted it so she called us in.
“Come in! said Mrs. Shamata. “None of these people want to admit it. Maddie, Do you have anything to say to them?”
“Ummm… yeah. If you tell us now, you’ll be in way less trouble than in we found out the hard way.” Maddie said in a nervous voice. “And I have a feeling I know who it is. So you can tell me now, or get punished harder.”
No one said anything.
“Well if no one wants to speak up, Maddie, do you want to say who you think it is out of the three?” said Mrs. Shamata.
“Yes,  but can I discuss it with Charlie first in private?”
“All right, but quick. Brunch is almost over.”
Maddie and I went out and discussed this situation.
“Umm… I think it is Alexa. I mean, she is the only one I know, and there is no reason for strangers to diss on me sooo…”
“Yeah, It probably is I mean, what do the others have to do to you, right?”
We walked in and right away Mrs. Shamata asked “ You you have an answer?
“Yeah we think it is… Alexa.”
Alexa blushed right away. You could tell that she was guilty. She went quiet for a moment, then said, “It wasn’t me.” very quietly.
“Okay, Maddie, what are your reasons for it being her?”
“Well,” she said “She is the only one out of them that I actually know. Why would the others want to do that?”
“True, true... Alexa, If you claim it wasn’t you, then you can look me in the eye and say that it wasn’t you.”
I couldn’t help but feel bad for Alexa. I mean she hurt my BFF, but Mrs. Shamata could
be very scary at times and this was one of those times.
Just as I thought. Alexa couldn’t look into her eyes and say it. So that meant that Alexa did it … right…?
“Ugh. I can’t do this. Yes. I sent those tweets.”
“Okay. Before we get into this, Sam, Harry, you may leave. Sorry to disrupt you.”said Mrs. Shamata. “Actually, the bell is about to ring, and we will be calling you to the office at lunch. Just be aware of that. See you then.”
The next two periods went really slow. I had social studies and science, which would be a lot better if there weren’t problems going on. I just couldn’t focus. Luckily, in science, we had presentations and I had already presented yesterday.
Lunch finally came around and Maddie and I headed to the office. When we got there, Alexa and her parents were in the office. We were told not to go inside so we just had to wait. Maddie got called in a few minutes later. Since this didn’t have to do with me, I wasn't allowed to come inside with her. I got bummed because I wanted to have her back in there, but no. I just had to wait outside until they were done. But I knew that when Maddie got back, she would tell me the news. I didn’t want to leave because then Maddie would be alone, so I just sat there eating lunch looking like a loner. But hey, anything for a BFF!
After what seemed like forever, Maddie came out of the room. She didn’t look sad or angry. Nothing that I expected. I didn’t even have to ask what happened. She just started talking right away.
“So, basically what happened was Alexa was angry at me because she thought I was the one ratted her friend out when she was doing something bad, she didn’t tell me what, because she didn’t want to tell the principal, and then she apologized and now they are talking about what punishments to give her for cyberbullying, and Mrs. Shamata is going to figure out what Alexa’s friend did.” said Maddie. “Oh, and the tweets got a couple of likes and they are going to talk to who ever liked it, if they go to our school.”
“Woah! So you’re all better now?”
“Yeah...I guess, but I think Alexa took it a little too far.”
“Well, anyways, you better finish your lunch quick, fifth period is about to start.”
And with that, Maddie went back to being her normal self after all the chaos, and we had a good time talking and eating until lunch was over. I was super glad that the case was resolved. Now we could go back to our usual day. And it turns out, Alexa got suspended for two whole weeks! And when she got back, Detention three days a week for the next month! Wow, I feel bad for her… NOT! She deserved it.

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