Fall Hay Ride | Teen Ink

Fall Hay Ride

December 15, 2015
By Dragonfly123 BRONZE, Seaford, Delaware
Dragonfly123 BRONZE, Seaford, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

If I ever got a chance to go on another hay ride, I would never give it up. Last year, my whole family went for a fall hay ride in the field near our hotel in Brazil. A cool breeze spun around us as we all talked to each other and played games like naming unique animals that we saw. The ride was about 2 hours long and it was from 6pm-8pm. We brought snacks along(chips, cookies, soda, and candy,) watched nature and we even saw a pack of deer that were brown with white spots until they disappeared into the forest on the edge of the field. Since we were out so long, we got to see the pretty sunset with all the warm colors. We almost had a party on the ride as well when someone started to play songs. Everyone started to dance and sing to the songs they knew but it didn’t turn into a raucous. We also caught fireflies that lit the whole field up and my baby cousins were afraid at first but they started to play around after a while. I felt so tired when I got off the ride that as soon as we got back to our hotel, I fell asleep even though I had such a wonderful time.

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