Change | Teen Ink


January 21, 2016
By RachelB. BRONZE, West Chester, Pennsylvania
RachelB. BRONZE, West Chester, Pennsylvania
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams" - Eleanor Roosevelt

Charlotte looked in the mirror and the person who stared back was not her. 


The little girl had two bright blonde braids, green eyes with freckles sprinkled beneath, with two missing front teeth to go with her dimpled smile. 


That was the younger her. She was in different universe, where no one could reach her. 


Slowly, that girl was replaced by a girl with hair as black as night, greenish-blue eyes, and a frown. 


The little girl was the past and it was the future. She wouldn't make it here. Their were many differences between then and now. 


The little girl smiled and trusted people. She read Dr. Seuss and laughed and sang out loud. She had friends and loving parents. 

But most of all, she felt. Felt love and happiness. She allowed herself to feel. 


Now life was different. Her dad was gone. She had no friends. Their were no smiles, no laughter, no hugs. Her mother was a broken glass looked upon as half empty. Her uncle had left along with the sun. 


All she had was darkness. Their was no light at the end. Hope and joy had scattered the day the old pick-up truck pulled out of the drive. 


All she had were cuts big and small. Every cut was a memory being drowned by her mind. Promises from her uncle. Lat eice cream trips with her dad. Hugs from her mom. 


But they had given up the fight against the team of her mind and water. 


It had been eleven years now, but every time she saw that little girl, she got goosebumps. 


Her uncle's promises about coming for her were cracked. He had forgotten her. The day he had left, so had the little girl. 

She now had broken promises, tattered clothes, a drug addicted mother, and sleeping pills. 


As she finished looking in the mirror, she allowed herself one moment to feel. Feel hurt. Seconds later, she decided she needed more. 


More change. 

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