March 1, 2016
By staffordm BRONZE, Amherst Ny, New York
staffordm BRONZE, Amherst Ny, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It’s a wednesday morning at Kenton High. The sun was beaming high  you could hear the birds singing a loud melody. kayla’s wearing a blue and pink shirt and blue jeans with the zipper running up the side with some pink flats. You can hear everybody in the hallways ethir they were arguing like some wild hyenas or they were arguing. Not everyone's going to like you In highschool but don't get out of your element or character for them.

    As kayla continues to walk threw the  cold school hallways  she sees the school is divided up  there's the popular kids you know the real cool kids that's like smoke drink and party all the time and they dress really cool. Boys in that crew were sagging their pants and diamond earring and expensive things like watches chains and sneakers. Then you got the girls who were nasty shorts that were so short that u should not have walked out the house, well just me.

Then you got the geeks were they talk about computers and what they can do about it and the environment and how they can help clean it  and they also be talking about how they are going to build new technology that are going to help them  not get picked on by the popular kids. These kids they were suspenders and wear heavy glasses they snort a lot but overall they are nice kids I don't see why people pick on them for being smart.

Then you have the emo kids were they wear heavy makeup and wear their hair in a Mohawk and and dress in very dark colors. They kind of music they list me to music were it sounds like they are screaming into a Microphone that sh*t sound so bad they are not people I see Kayla hanging with at all.

Then you got the people who just like to be by themselves and do their own thing and just be normal they dress like Kayla. See they don't try to fit in with the other people they don't change the way they act around people they act the same around everybody. Their not going to Change their character for anybody and they’re not going to get out of their element.

     See Kayla and Tamia used to be good friends they used to always hang out with one another after school and everything. Then one day Tamia was very tired of Kayla and she was somewhat jealous of her. She was mad because she couldn't get half of the things Kayla got. For instance Kayla got  new iPhone 6s she  deserved it though she had Good grades and was kind to everyone why not be rewarded for these good actions. Tamia was very jealous cause she couldn't get half of the things Kayla got she thought she was up tight and a got d*mn goody tushu!  Tamia always yells and stomps her feet angrily when she upset or she doesn't get her way! Such a child ! That's how she started hating her “smh”(shaking my head) petty much!

Kayla  is a kind, sweet , caring girl she's actually really quiet  she doesn't really talk to people she doesn't  know she talk to people from like 6 grade and the people she just met! See Kayla likes this boy names Tyler James they talked here and there's he would blush every time he looked at her or talk to her. It was really delightful to see her act the way she does around Tyler.

But tamia saw that Kayla liked Tyler and she was going to act on it and make sure they would never get together. This time Kayla was not going to get what she wanted she was going to see what it was like to not get what you wanted for once !

Tamia saw Tyler at his locker so she went up to him and started talking to him, and she looked to her right, and she seen that Kayla was looking so she started feeling on him and kissing his face. She did one thing that made Kayla very upset she pressed her lips right apron Tyler lips! She pulled away from Tyler you could see that Kayla was upset she looked as if she was going to cry !? But in reality Kayla was inflamed steaming,boiling, fuming, displeased with a lot of anger!?
  She was going to get her revenge and her man !!!!!
  Little did everyone know was Kayla has a evil vindictive side just like everyone else do NOT let her sweet side foul you she will get what she wanted !
                                                      *skips to class*
  Kayla was sitting in class she wasn't really paying attention to what the teacher was saying she was planning her revenge. She knew exactly what she was going to do to get Tamia back and show her that she was not a pushover and she will not let anybody walk over her like she is some type or rag doll ! Tamia Jackson you are going down this time
                                     *the bells rings extremely loud*

  Kayla walks out the classroom  looking for Tamil she was going to confront her about what she  has done.
  *finds Tamia*

Tamia! “Kayla yells !”

What do you want you ugly disgusting creature! Said Tamia

You u fake sl*t  boyfriend stealer! Said Kayla

What are you even talking about? What boyfriend?  Ohhhh you mean Tyler “smiles evilly”said Tamia
That's my friend and you knew I liked him for years why the hell would you do that to me ! Yelled Kayla

So what i don't care I'm tired of you having everything in life ! I'm tired of you always getting the damn special you are not special you are just like everybody else welcome to the real gotd*mn world Kayla you are just like us! yelled Tamia

I never said I was perfect I get what I want because I earned it, you should try it in instead of Being jealous of me ! Said Kayla

Okay but you never had to act the way you do u just jealous of what I have and that I'm popular ! Said Tamia

“Never was I jealous of you I fact ur the one jealous of me so from now one keep my name out yo mouth and their won't be no problems”! Said Kayla

Girl bye ur dismissed I do as I please ! Said Tamia

Do and see what happens and by the way ur the one who is dismissed !  said. Kayla

Kyla walks away to go to her next period class!

Kaylas sitting her last period class and she noticed that not everybody is her friend and not all the time they’re not going to like you but they’re not worth getting out of her character  so she rather have no friends then be around a lot of people who are going to make her into somebody she's not !

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