Life on Mars | Teen Ink

Life on Mars

March 2, 2016
By braden67 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
braden67 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Being stranded on Mars would most likely be the scariest thing that has ever happened to anyone. Well that’s what happened to Mark in science fiction movie The Martian by Andy Weir. Some people blame NASA for leaving Mark on Mars, but now it is up to Mark to live until NASA finds a way to get Mark back home. Mark will be faced with fear, isolation, and preservation. If you haven't seen this movie yet and don’t want to see spoilers do not read on.
Mark played by Matt Damon is dealing with fear right away when the movie starts. Even on Earth when a really bad storm hits you get a little worried that something bad will happen. He doesn’t know what is going to happen to him or if he will survive. The action starts right away in the first 10 minutes which is good for the people that want the movie to start right away. After a few days of being alone on Mars he starts to worry that he will never see his family again. That would be a scary feeling of not being able to see your family again.
Mark then starts to get lonely because there is nobody to talk to. Maybe the fact that being alone caused mark to start to journal his life being stuck on Mars, or maybe there was  nothing else to do. Eventually later in the movie he was able to talk to people on Earth through the Mars Rover.  
We don’t really have to worry about rationing our food but Mark did because he only had 300 days of food. Mark has to ration and preserve the food so he can make the most out of what he has. After a while his food starts to deplete and he comes up with a way to grow potatoes on Mars. So food wasn’t the biggest issue he had after that until the farm blew up.
Well Mark was able to fight through the fear, isolation, and preservation that he faced. The action starts right away so the movie to me was pretty good and I would recommend seeing it. For Mark, being stranded on Mars was the scariest thing but no one will really ever understand the feeling that Mark had unless it happens to you.


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