/ / L O V E / / | Teen Ink

/ / L O V E / /

April 7, 2016
By bearcommaclaire BRONZE, Riverside, California
bearcommaclaire BRONZE, Riverside, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

     Everything is blue. It's the time of day where the sun is just coming up and the only color spilling through the window is as radiant as the sky. It covers the walls and doors, filling the whole room with the soft embrace of day. It is silent, you lie in bed watching the light reflect off the stars on the ceiling and the pictures on the wall; the bed sheets have never looked brighter. The color filling the room seems to make it easier to breathe, the cool air races into your lungs and back out again with chilling ease. Her hair and eyes match the aesthetic beauty of the room; the soft waves of light allow you to feel free and happy. The current state of your room, how she lies with you- makes the solemn cerulean light feel like the warmest color.
     Everything is red. You're in love with her and that is all that matters. Her face lights up as your eyes meet with hers. Her lips, the lightest shade of crimson, send shivers down your spine. The enchanting blue illuminations seem to be mixing with a new strawberry colored light creating a new beauty throughout the confined space. The colors move through the air like a dancer would with her partner, twirling effortlessly and in sync. You reach out your hand to touch the scarlet waves of light and she runs hers through your hair. With the other she reaches to interlock her fingers with yours making her cheeks turn the cutest shade of rose you've ever seen.
     Everything is grey. A dull lightless room comes into focus as you finally open your eyes. The walls and doors no longer reflect vibrant dancing colors. You lay on your bed longing for the color to return. A suffocating sadness now streams into you room making it feel small and dusty. You wish she was there with the comforting sound of her laugh and warmth of her touch. She's no longer there beside you and she took all the brightness with her, leaving oblivion in her wake. The room is consumed in a shadow so devoid of color that is makes you forget what her love for you meant.

The author's comments:

I was inspired by the song Colors by HALSEY off of her debut album Badlands. 

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