Sleepless | Teen Ink


May 6, 2016
By KimiChick SILVER, Langhorne, Pennsylvania
KimiChick SILVER, Langhorne, Pennsylvania
8 articles 1 photo 1 comment

I can’t sleep. Maybe I had too much coffee. Maybe because something really important is happening tomorrow. I can’t remember what tomorrow was, but I know it's important. My brain feels foggy, clouded over, to the point my memory is decimated. The curtains were closed but I could still see a faint outline of ash gray moonlight. Like whatever it is that is going on tomorrow, I could see a soft silhouette of what it was, but nothing was clear. I sat up, swung my feet over the side of the bed, and stared at the hazy light. It was so silent I could hear my heartbeat in this empty room. I picked up my phone and squinted as the bright screen displayed the time. 1:47 A.M. Great. I was insanely tired, yet I was too awake to go to sleep. I layed down on my back, head and legs over the side, and continued staring at the window.
My mind is like a white sheet of printer paper. Blank. Like a flashing position indicator on a word document, my blinking eyelids reminded me that I needed to do something. Why is tomorrow so important? I wish I could remember. If I knew what was going on, I could be preparing right now. I do know one thing; I need to go to sleep.
Bzzt bzzt. Who in the world would be texting me at 2 A.M.? Oh, it’s Jessie, my girlfriend. She can’t sleep either.
“You up? I couldn’t sleep,” she texted.
“I’m up. Me either.” I texted back. The response was almost immediate.
“I wish you could come over, but you live like an hour away.”
“I know. Maybe we could get some sleep if we were together.”
I remember when we went to the mall near her house. We talked for hours, just walking around the mall aimlessly. We ended up in the Disney store at one point. She loves the movie Frozen and the character Queen Elsa. We were so overwhelmed with the cuteness of everything Disney that I kissed her.
Now I remember what is happening tomorrow. I was right, it is very important. We are going to Disney World tomorrow, and I’m going to propose to her.


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