Diary of a Schizophrenic | Teen Ink

Diary of a Schizophrenic

May 16, 2016
By troybearden1 BRONZE, Ringgold, Georgia
troybearden1 BRONZE, Ringgold, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Last Friday, I found a diary lying on the floor in the hallways while I was cleaning up the far east wing of the school,” explains a janitor to the principal of West Banks High School. The principal takes the battered, black book from the hands of the overworked janitor. He stops on the most recently used page and reads a few sentences near the top.
“I’m going crazy, I know it. I hear voices in my head, and I can’t stop it. I hear demons everywhere telling me things that I can’t understand, but the voices are becoming clearer. However, I refuse to accept I am mentally ill, this is just a phase? Right?” reads aloud the astonished and slightly frightened principal.
“We can’t just have someone with these thoughts walking around this school can we?”
“Absolutely not, but how do we find him?”
“I’ll take it to James Lawson, head of the psychology department, and see if he knows what to do.”
The janitor walks down the hallway which was far more eerie now that school was out for the weekend. He entered the gloomy psychology classroom and presented to Dr. Lawson, the mangled diary.
“Ah, sounds like Schizophrenia to me,” says the erudite professor calmly after reading a couple pages in the diary. “This is a condition that will only get worse if we let time go on. Don’t worry, I will find him and make sure he seeks the medical help that he needs,” says Lawson with an exhausted expression on his face.

Friday, January 30, 2015
I didn’t get much sleep last night. This has been going on for two weeks now, and my sleep patterns still aren’t getting any better. I’ve got bags as big as Texas under my eyes, and I still can’t manage to get to sleep. Every night, my brain has something new to think about. I just can’t stop thinking. I think up one thought, and that thought leads to another and another and so on. My brain won’t shut off. Sometimes this issue gets so bad that I can’t help but tell myself to shut up. The odd thing is that I don’t even know how these thoughts are entering my head in the first place. I’m not trying to think about anything, but still, endless thoughts enter my mind repeatedly throughout the night. However, last night was a little different. I finally managed to fall asleep, but I woke up at 3:00 this morning with a debilitating pain in my stomach. It felt as if someone had planted a tree inside me. I guess I just slept wrong or something because it went away by about noon. The weirdest part appeared when I got to school. I’m a straight A student, but today I couldn’t get a grip on my thoughts. I felt… disconnected. I feel as if I am merely a zombie living in this world among humans. I find myself often gazing off into space without emotion, concentrating on my own thoughts. Everything the teachers spoke about today about was unprocessable in my mind. It almost sounded like gibberish. Looking at a simple math problem felt like I was reading Chinese, and I failed my test. I got 1 question right on the whole test. I don’t care though. All I care about is sleeping now. I haven’t even talked to my friends in over a week. They must be up to something without me. I need to get some sleep, or these symptoms will never go away! Maybe I’ll go see a psychologist tomorrow to make sure everything I’m okay in my head.

Sunday, February 1, 2015
I went yesterday to Dr. Lupton for a diagnosis. He called back this morning after assessing my results, and the old man said I have Schizophrenia. I’m not crazy! He’s gotta be kidding. I’m sure my symptoms are just related to my interrupted sleep patterns, not some mental disease. He said I need to be treated with medicine as soon as possible or it will only get worse. I’m willing to try just about anything. However, I’m not going to try crazy person medicine. The doctor is at least 70 years old, and he’s just too old to be working anyway. Do I really look that insane? I’m not hallucinating or anything. Isn’t that what happens to Schizophrenics? It will get better soon, I just gotta get myself to go to sleep. I’m so exhausted all the time now, but I still can’t sleep. I haven’t washed my hair in three days, and I haven’t washed my clothes in a week! Anyway, it’s back to school tomorrow, I guess. Maybe I’ll get some decent sleep tonight, and it will be all over.

Saturday, February 7, 2015
It’s been nearly a week since I saw that evil doctor. I’m sure someone put him up to diagnose me with that insane disease. They want me to think I’m crazy. I also saw a bookshelf fall in the library last Wednesday, or was it Thursday? I don’t know. The bookshelf fell, but I looked away screaming. Then, when I looked back at it, it was still upright in its original position. Someone is messing with me for sure. Someone is after me. They wanted me to embarrass myself by screaming in front of everybody in class. I looked like an idiot. I’m such an imbecile! How could I fall for something like that? None of my old friends want to be seen with me anymore. They’re in the plot, too! They’re going to kill me. I HATE THEM! I feel like the inside of my body is burning. I hate them so much! How could my friends betray me? I’m going to kill them. These stupid voices in my head just keep getting louder and louder; I can’t hear myself think. When I lay down at night, my new friends come to talk. They don’t speak English, but I can tell they are nice. I just wish they wouldn’t be so loud. Last night my mom barged into my room wondering why I was shaking so much, but the weird thing was… I wasn’t even shaking. I laughed uncontrollably at her ignorance. She insisted that I had been making shaking noises for almost twenty minutes. She told me that it sounded like a rodeo in my room. I knew at that point she was in on the plan too. Everyone just wants to make a fool out of me. It’s true; THEY told me last night.

Thursday, March 5, 2015
I’m going crazy, I know it. I hear voices in my head, and I can’t stop it. I hear demons everywhere telling me things that I can’t understand, but the voices are becoming clearer. However, I refuse to accept I am mentally ill, this is just a phase? Right? I didn’t go to school all last week, but I didn’t tell my mom. Edward tells me I’m too stupid to go to school, and he’s right. I’m nothing but an idiot. They are all out to get me anyway…  All the voices tell me that. They won’t ever get me though. The demons won’t go away; they won’t leave me alone. The demons tell me to kill my parents, and when they take me over, I have no control over what they do. The voices narrate every step of my life, criticizing me. They’re my friends though, and they’re always right. I like all of them except Edward. Livid with anger all the time, he tells me that I don’t deserve to live, and he makes fun of me no matter what I do. He’s also the loudest when he’s awake. Clarice tells me every day that I need to get rid of my parents before they find out that she’s there. I just need some sleep, but I can’t sleep when the demons keep screeching in my ear. They say they aren’t done with me yet. My mind is a never-ceasing whirlwind spinning around and around as they speak to me and argue with each other. At night they tear my eyes out and lay their eggs in my bed. The walls open up, revealing the gates of hell in my bedroom. It feels like my flesh is burning as I try to sleep, and my room feels like the scorching insides of a volcano. Malevolent darkness seeps ever increasingly into the increasingly maleficent enclosure of my bedroom. The room becomes black with hatred and sorrow with no light besides the blistering lava that encompasses my bed. I try to scream, but they cover my mouth, hampering my cry for salvation. As the eggs hatch, the newborn demons fly around my bed screeching a screech like no other you will ever hear on earth. Their insatiable hunger for my human flesh becomes too much as they rip and scratch at my body. By morning, the gates close with a loud crash, locking the demons away for the daylight hours. I would try to escape the burning sensation during the night, but they say I’m not allowed to leave anymore. They said they are almost done with my useless mind.  My mom is forcing me to go to school tomorrow, so I guess I’ll have to go. I hope my new friends come with me to school so I can show everyone.

Sunday, March 15, 2015
Last weekend, my life was saved by my psychology teacher. I left my diary under my desk in my English classroom on Friday. The janitor found it, and he brought it to the principal. Then, the janitor took the diary to the psychology teacher. After searching through the entire school registry, they saw that I had been recently diagnosed with Schizophrenia but had not been medicated. Saturday evening, the psychology teacher picked me up from my house along with my mom, strapped me down in the backseat of his car, and drove to a mental institution. He told me that I had menacing scars all over my body from where I had mangled and scratched myself. He described me as a contorted, howling demon in the back seat of his car. I was immediately placed in a dark, compact room by myself and force fed a pill. They left me there, and I slept through the whole night. I woke up the next morning, and the voices were less significant. The next day, they disappeared even more. Finally, by the end of the week, they were all gone. The nurses at the hospital checked on me every day to make sure I was receiving my medicine and proper nutrition during my stay. I have to continue to take medicine for my whole life, but it is better than going through such terrible turpitude once more. I only have to stay in this institution for two more weeks before I can make an attempt to live independently. For now, I have to undergo therapy and take medicine every day. I should have taken Dr. Lupton’s advice, but I guess I can’t go back now. I guess he’s not crazy after all, and I feel almost back to normal. Thanks to my psychology teacher, this sinister, depraved roller coaster is finally over.

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