Adulthood | Teen Ink


May 23, 2016
By Amb_Ruth BRONZE, Charles City, Iowa
Amb_Ruth BRONZE, Charles City, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Little Allie grew up with just her dad.. When she was three her mom got into a bad car accident with a Semi and her mom ended up bleeding out before any help had arrived. Allie happened to be in the car at that moment.
It all happened so fast too. Her mom was driving down the highway and she looked down at her phone and at that moment she swerved into the other lane where this big red semi was. Allie being only 3 she started screaming in pain. She was alright no major injuries but for her mom that was a different story since she died at the accident. Her car was practically in half by the time the semi tried to stop. With the front end just flying down the highway and the backend didn’t go anywhere.
It had been a couple years now that her mom has passed away and her dad started going out with another women. Allie never liked it that much but she just wanted her dad to be happy since her mom wasn’t there anymore.
Her dad ended up getting married and together they had a baby. Allie is now sixteen and helping out with her little brother. Her dad and stepmom both began working and that’s when she knew that it was up to her to help out a lot more. Due to the fact that her parents weren’t going to be home they really needed her to be there with her brother especially with being a baby. Her parents don’t want the baby to grow up with someone besides family right away.
Besides going to school every day, at night she watched her brother until her parents got home. When they came home it all depends on who came home first. Sometimes it was her dad and he would be home at 8 or 9 along with her stepmom. She started getting tired of it all and was getting over the fact she had to do everything. Becoming so overwhelmed it was causing her to cry at night. Yet there was nothing else to do.
“Hey Allie can we talk?” said her dad.
“Ugh. Why???.” she yelled back.
“Your dad and I would like to talk about all the things you have been doing for us.” said her stepmom.
“What about it?” Allie looked at them with a confused look on her face.
“We are really concerned that we are putting a lot on you. “
“I don’t have a problem with it but it is cutting into some time for myself.”
After the conversation with Allie just her parents talked and they realized that they put too much pressure on her. Allie needs to be her own person again. It wasn’t her job to take care of her brother. Her parents now understand. Together they all thought of having a nanny.
They found the perfect nanny and she would sit with both of them at night until Allie's  parents came home. She began improving more in school and going out with her friends which was great.  Becoming a lot more happier was the goal for her parents. Never did they want her to feel like a parent ever and they never realized it at all.
Allie kept going to school so she could finish and go on to bigger and better dreams. She has always wanted to become a nurse and now she can focus on what she needs to take to become one.  As her dad watched her grow up she reminded him of his wife. It was sad that she wasn’t going to see her daughter graduate.
When going into college she wasn’t sure what she wanted to be she even asked her dad what he thought or what, her mom had been interested in but there are no answers. She decided to take a drive with some college students she was friends with. They just talked about the past what they did and what happened which was the hardest time for her. Knowing that she grew up faster than the rest.

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