The Halloween Fairy | Teen Ink

The Halloween Fairy

May 25, 2016
By Anonymous

Once upon a time, there was 13 year old girl named Selena whose dream was to fly! Halloween was just around the corner and she wanted to dress up like a woodland fairy. She designed her entire costume from one picture of a specific woodland fairy she had always wanted to be.
        This fairy was a 12 year old girl with brown hair and large, majestic, brown-colored wings with horn-like points at the top of both wings. This fairy also had large and unique, yet beautiful brown horns that grew from her head. The fairy in the picture was named Maleficent, and Selena had dreamt of being her. In one of her classes at school, Selena’s teacher, Ms. Fillender, had been telling tales of fairies, just like Maleficent who’d fly and soar through clouds, leaving all of her worries on earth. Selena had longed to be just like Maleficent and soar through the atmosphere.
        Selena and her mother found the perfect horns for her to wear on Halloween day and ordered them right away. Her father also asked someone to make an exact replica of the wings in the picture for her to wear on Halloween day, as well as the dress that the fairy in the picture was wearing. The horns arrived earlier than expected, and Selena wore them all around the house. She made the accessories herself that went with the beautiful wings and dress.
       Once the wings arrived, Selena was so excited to put them on that she ripped open the box and immediately pulled the majestic, broad, and beautiful wings out of the cardboard box. She put them on and immediately fell in love with them. However, the last thing she wanted to do was break them and of course, she didn’t want anybody to see them before Halloween! So, she told herself that she would not wear them or any part of her costume until the night before Halloween. When Selena promised someone or even herself something, she always kept that promise.
As Selena waited for Halloween night, every day at school she’d listen to more and more fairy tales of Maleficent from Ms. Fillender and began to dream about this magnificent fairy taking flight through the large open atmosphere.
The day before Halloween came, and Selena was so excited that the next day she’d finally get to wear her amazing costume and stunning wings. The night before Halloween, Selena remembered what she had said and followed through with her promise. However, Selena decided she would sleep in her costume with her wings, horns, dress, shoes, and all, because after all, it would be following the boundaries of her promise, AND she really wanted to wear her wings and horns as soon as possible. And so she did. Although, throughout the night Selena experienced terrible aches and pains in her back. Selena also didn’t dream about Maleficent, but about herself flying and soaring through clouds.
The next morning, Selena jumped out of bed and went to school very early! Everyone, including Selena, loved her costume, and she even got an award!
When Selena got home from school, she decided to take off her costume. As Selena began to look for the elastic straps to take her wings off… she couldn’t find elastic or any sort of strap anywhere.
“Could it be?” Selena wondered
With pools of thoughts rushing through her head she rushed outside and looked up at the sky, pushed up from the ground, and…. she glided through the air and shot through the clouds. She could fly!

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