Mindy and her cookout | Teen Ink

Mindy and her cookout

June 8, 2016
By Zhitao BRONZE, Brookline, Massachusetts
Zhitao BRONZE, Brookline, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Mindy has always loved barbecues because, but she she’s never been able to throw her own. One day she decided to plan one and invite the entire neighborhood over. She knew she has to do something to make it a blast, so she hired a small crew to help plan the cookout. Tom, the creator of the world famous company, demanded that she must create a whole new recipe for burgers to put on the grill. She tried everything but nothing tasted right. Mindy was just about to give up. But then she noticed her neighbor’s dog was lying dead in her yard.
Mindy had always hated her neighbor anyways, so she didn’t hesitate. But then she knew that if she wanted a perfect recipe, she would need something special; so she ran out and grabbed the corpse. She cooked up the best dog burger that anyone could ever eat. She finally found the recipe. However, there wasn’t enough meat for the cookout that was planned for next month. That’s when she cooked up a hateful plan to leave out canned dog food after mixing a new rat poison she had found at a department store.
After a few weeks, just in time for the grand cookout, she has finally stored enough meat for the entire neighborhood. Too bad Mindy didn’t realize that some of the dogs didn’t die from the poison, but from a new bacteria infection that spread like wildfire. Despite a few fatalities, everyone agreed that Mindy’s first cookout was a roaring success.

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