The Beefy 5 Layer | Teen Ink

The Beefy 5 Layer

June 5, 2016
By mathew805 BRONZE, Paso Robles, California
mathew805 BRONZE, Paso Robles, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There was a boy named Cameron, and he loved Taco Bell. Today at Taco Bell he was quite purcilure with his burrito, it seemed to taste weird. He went to the counter and told the cashier, whose name was Samuelson, that his burrito tasted weird today and that he wanted a new one or a refund. Samuelson said no to the refund and he gave him a new burrito. Cameron went and sat down at one of the tables and tasted his burrito. It was still really bad tasting and he just didn’t want it in his mouth.
The next day he went to Taco Bell and thought that he was going to have a better day. He went to the front and Samuelson was there. Cameron said,”can i get a beefy five layer burrito,” Samuelson said “yes.” He went and sat down with his burrito and it tasted like soggy dog food. He went in the back and found a taco maker named Nick; right next to Nick was a burrito maker named Scott. They looked at him and said he was the chosen one.Later that day Scott, Nick, and Cameron went on a mission to find the golden beefy five. It was their only way to survive. They succeeded because they never stopped their stride.

The author's comments:

What inspired me to write this poem is a long story. It involved seeing a group of highschoolers having trouble with the oders they bought at a local food vendor. I want the audience to learn to be patient when you hit an obstacle because it will always end in a good way.

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