"A struggle for power" | Teen Ink

"A struggle for power"

October 17, 2016
By keykey14 BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
keykey14 BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My first day of training was over and I was ready for my first day on the job. My mother wasn’t happy with my career choice because it was too dangerous with me being a white man. I wasn’t too keen on taking the job because of all the hatred against cops recently but, this was something I had to do. Society was always out to make us seem like the bad guys but at the end of the day we had a job to do, even if it meant a citizen dying in the process. I knew that I would get dirty looks because of my badge, adding my skin color to the equation left me looking for trouble it seemed.That was the least of my worries though, I was just trying to save up enough money to get away. This job was my only choice and I had to take it if I wanted to accomplish that goal.

I held a smug look on my face as I stared my partner Matt up and down while he controlled the wheel. My first week on the job was chill besides me having a partner of the opposite race. Still, I didn’t let my personal views distract me from my overall goal. I would only have to keep this well paying job for about another month to have my desired amount. We were cruising around the city with just one hour left of our night shift, which I assumed would be a breeze. That’s when we saw a young caucasian couple arguing and decided to pull over and stop them before anything got too out of hand. Slamming the door, I slowly walked up to the couple.

“What seems to be the problem here ?” I asked inspecting the two. The man released his hands from around the woman’s wrist upon our arrival.

“None of your business officer. Now how about you let me and my woman resolve this ourselves.” He responded. My face held a shocked expression upon him speaking to me like that. If he had spoke to Matt like that, I would have understood. I looked into the man’s icy blue eyes which were now bloodshot. By the strong smell of marijuana I assumed that the man wasn’t in the right state of mind. I remember from training that people under the influence were unpredictable so I wanted to restrain him before any of us did anything stupid which we would both regret in the long run. I had no room or time for mishaps. So, Matt and I agreed that we would take the two back to the police station.

“Listen sir. We don’t want any problems. We’re on the same team.” I said to him. After my last sentence I could see Matt’s face scrunch up as he shook his head. I would say the feeling of disgust was mutual.

“We’re just gonna take you and this young lady back to the station to run a few tests and ensure that nothing happens that will get ya’ll in trouble under the current circumstances.” Matt had already started escorting the woman to the car which left me to deal with the man. I reached out to escort him to the car but, he quickly retaliated.

“Get your hands off of me !” he screamed making me take a step back. I was confused as to why he was coming at me like this. I pulled out the taser and put up a hand that signaled for him to calm down.

“I don’t want any problems brother, please just comply with the orders given.” I pleaded with him.

Within the blink of an eye he rushes towards me catching me off guard, causing me to drop the taser and suddenly the struggle for power begins. He towered over me by at least 4 inches and outweighed me by at least thirty pounds. He was strong and quickly gained the advantage as I felt him reaching towards my waistband in hopes of obtaining my gun. He succeeds and it felt as if the world has stopped once the gun went off. I look towards the ground in horror as I see a pool of blood. I clutched my stomach and fell to the ground. My vision became blurry as I struggled to hold consciousness. I was so close to my goal but in the pull of the trigger, it vanished. I laid there, bleeding out as I thought of the betrayal and my unaccomplished goal.

The author's comments:

What inspired me to write this piece was all the problems with police recently. I tried to make the micro fiction story a bit ironic so it wasn't too serious. I wanted my story to have a different outcome then what usually happens when a citizen comes in contact with a police officer.

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