Where anyhting could happen | Teen Ink

Where anyhting could happen

December 17, 2016
By Ceci.b.elliott BRONZE, Olympia, Washington
Ceci.b.elliott BRONZE, Olympia, Washington
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I stood there as the freezing water splashed against my feet. I was waiting for the ocean to take me away. I stood there waiting when I heard him yelling for me . He was getting closer telling me we needed to go home. I didn’t want to go home though. Home is where anything can happen and no one will see. No one can see the pounding of my heart as I wait for his hand to run across my face leaving a red mark. And so I run. I run as I feel the sting of the ocean hitting the bruises and cuts on my legs. The sting burning as I raced along the beach as far as I could get from him. Tears streaming down my face I stopped out of breath. I was him running behind me, barely tired. I knew I couldn't outrun him so I stayed there waiting for the inevitable. He was getting closer 100, 50, 40, 30, 20 ,10 yards. Suddenly he was right in front of me, hand raised. I felt his cold hand against my wet face. The salt of the ocean stinging on my new cut formed by is ring. I could feel the salt mixing with with the blood as it ran down my face. He pulled me to the car and we drove home. Home where anything could happen.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Mar. 13 2017 at 7:17 pm
lola_tiff BRONZE, Olympia, Washington
1 article 4 photos 2 comments
Oh my gosh you're so good I love you so much!!!!! This story sent me into a mental state of awareness and I think this should be the cover of the new york times........