Facetime | Teen Ink


January 10, 2017
By 21critchettm BRONZE, Newmarket, New Hampshire
21critchettm BRONZE, Newmarket, New Hampshire
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“I just lost 3 best friends.” Cloe blurted out franticly. There was a moment of silence, small but just enough for Cam to realize what he had just said.

“You what? Who? Are you okay? Where does it hurt? Are you breathing? Who was the last you talked to?” Cam blurted out too many questions in such little time for Cloe to comprehend. There was another brief moment of silence. Cloe gulped.

“Ari, Andrew,” She paused again. “And Tristan.” Cam immediately broke out into a burst of anger.  Cam paused, and calmed herself down.

“Cloe, I’m going to need you to tell me from the beginning.” Cam was relaxed and ready to listen to Cloe. Before Cloe spoke she made a heavy sigh.

“It’s all because Justin was getting bad messages about us being together. When I told Ari she thought we broke up. So she told Tristan who told Andrew. They both lied to me about knowing. And they lied that Ari told them. It’s just- I’ve given them too many chances to lie to me they do it too much now, they said only Tristan lies when it’s ‘necessary’. I’ve known Tris for six years. He knows how much I hate it.” Cloe laid back after letting it all out. But Cloe absolutely hated it. Lying was like committing murder to Cloe.

“Andrew lied because he does that too much. Ari lies in general.” Cam paused and let her mind get caught up with the words she was saying.

“The truth is Cloe, Andrew ied because Ari was the one saying all that stuff to Justin, Ari didn’t tell Andrew the whole thing. He said he’s sorry.” She paused to let Cloe think about it all. She paused so the three of them could let it all out. She paused.

“Wait Cloe… Who’s Tristan?”

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