One Two | Teen Ink

One Two

January 10, 2017
By 21Fermonc BRONZE, Newmarket, New Hampshire
21Fermonc BRONZE, Newmarket, New Hampshire
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

One Two

Spencer searched the shelves of a convenience store. Above the counter a TV flickered on, casting eerie shadows. As Spencer grabbed a Coke, the man on the TV spoke, “Hours ago a serial killer escaped from Oakridge Prison.”
Spencer walked up to the counter, “Where is Oakridge anyway?”
The man behind the counter laughed a raspy laugh that made Spencer’s hair stand on end, “Why you’re in Oakridge of course!”
“Oh,” Spencer said, his hand shook as he pulled some dollars out of his wallet. The man smiled a sickening grin, his yellow teeth gleamed in the TV light. He had one front tooth. Spencer averted his eyes from the man to the TV. The screen showed a picture of the killer, he had yellow teeth and one of the front teeth was missing. Spencer hurried towards the door. He didn’t get far before the man called to him. Slowly Spencer turned to see a pistol pointed at his chest. It was the last thing he saw. “One,” The killer whispered then ran out of the store.
Miles away, a woman peered out a window from her house. Blue lights caught her eye. As she stepped outside an officer got out of a car. “Is something wrong?” She asked nervously, shivering in the cold night.
“You're son was killed in Oakridge by a serial killer,” The officer said in a very cold manner.
“My son!” The woman cried.
“Yes, Spencer.” The officer said,  “Would you like to see him?” His hand clenched on the pistol in his belt.
“How?” The woman, confused, looked up at the officer and noticed his teeth were yellow, with one missing.
A moment later the officer ripped off his fake badge and uniform, pocketing the pistol. He looked distastefully at the woman and whispered, “Two,”

The author's comments:

This micro fiction is realistic fiction, it was written for an English project for school. 

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