The Cruel Cyber | Teen Ink

The Cruel Cyber

January 26, 2017
By trumansto BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
trumansto BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Jack had perused books in the library for weeks, studying up on the underground world of the cyber. He pondered legends told by savvy cyber-captains who had sailed the vast cyber seas. Jack was unsure whether he wanted to start his own cyber journey. But it was his time.

He embarked shallowly onto Google. Impressed by the breadth of knowledge he could now access, he typed in his predetermined search item: “anime.”

“Nearly a billion results!” he exclaimed. “The cyber world is truly enormous!”

Clicking every link he saw to his heart’s delight, he finally understood the majesty veterans of the cyber had described, but slowly, the results became… different. “Are only a handful of these billion links as helpful as the anime subreddit, as creative as the anime dress-up game, and as informative as the anime ‘google-plus’ community?” he asked himself.

Spiraling into disappointment, a new link titled “free anime click >>here<< now” appeared. Hoping to fulfill his wishes of the cyber, he clicked. Suddenly, pop-up ads sprang onto his screen. It was all too much for Jack.

Screaming, “You’ve betrayed me with your lies, cyber-captains!” he shut off his computer and crossed his arms in defeat, vowing never to return to the cyber again.

The author's comments:

I thought about what it would be like if people decided to train themselves to use the internet and what it would look like if their training didn't prepare them as well as they thought it would.

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