The Brake-in on Luigi's | Teen Ink

The Brake-in on Luigi's

January 24, 2017
By BenJamin99 BRONZE, Telford, Pennsylvania
BenJamin99 BRONZE, Telford, Pennsylvania
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One of the best sounds for a teenager to ever hear was immediately followed up by the sound of shoes stomping and lockers opening.
“Have an awesome long weekend class!” Mrs Shmeel yells acting like any of the middle schoolers hear her over the beginning of a three-day vacation. Joseph is the first one out of the class, making absolutely sure he didn’t waste any of his time. Joseph doesn’t run, but walks casually to his locker. He wanted to run but running was for kids, and something Joseph outgrew a while ago. Eventually Joseph gets past the herd of anxious teenagers socialising and opens his locker.
“ Yooo Joe” exclaims a voice close to Joseph
“ What Cameron”
“ Do you wanna go to Michael’s house at 5”
“ And do what?”
“ Since when do we ever plan these things dude?” Cameron says rhetorically.
“ Whatever, I’m down, are we going to skate there.”
“Dude you gotta stop asking questions you already know the answer to.”
“Chill, let’s just get out of this prison as soon as possible.” Both lockers slam simultaneously leaving both of their homework to never be seen until Monday morning. The two walk to a decaying old bush on the outside of the school, and grab their boards. Michael’s house was a great house to skate to. It was the opposite way any of the busses went and it was all downhill. Joseph would always prefer riding his skateboard to his house. Even if it took longer, it seemed cooler than riding a stupid bus where the kids there are more annoying than the teachers in the school. Joseph and Cameron race down the hill on Smith street enjoying every moment of independence they can grasp. The road was smooth, the weather was hot and the houses and buildings were too blurry to identify. Next to an afternoon school bell, skateboard wheels were one of the greatest sounds that the boys thought existed. Cameron and Joseph slow down as the hill ends, and turn onto Elmer street. They pull into Michaels house and drop their skateboards in his driveway.
“What’s up guys, are you sleeping over?” Michael says from the garage before they can even knock on his door.
“That’s the plan” Cameron says and follows Joseph as they enter the house.  They go down to the basement and Michael turns on his xbox.
“I’ll go get the popcorn” Joseph volunteers.
Joseph, Cameron and Michael all zone out until dark playing Counter Strike, guzzling soda, and debating who’s the hottest girl in their class. By ten o’clock they have finished three bags of popcorn and one and a half liters of root beer, and it was magnificent. Michael’s parents were divorced and he lived with his mom, who you can often find in the local bar getting tipsy every night. No one was ever home, which made Michael’s house plan A for any sleepover.
“Wait hold on guys! I just remembered something!” Cameron yells suddenly as he changes his resting position.
“ What is it?” says Joseph
“Check this out.” Cameron reaches in his nike backpack and pulls out a ring of rusty silver keys. “Cool keys dude! Got some just like em” Michael says.
“No idiot these are the keys to Luigi’s”
“Yeah right”
“Bro, I’m dead serious, my brother took them right after he quit two weeks ago.”
“Are you sure?” Joseph says in awe.
“We could eat all the pizza we want, they closed an hour ago!”
“Let’s go guys!” Cameron yells impatiently as they hustle to their skateboards. The weathers perfect. It’s pitch black but the occasional street lights provide enough vision for the kids to see where they’re going.
“We’re almost there guys.” Michael says quiet enough in case anybody is awake.  There isn’t a car in sight when they pull into the Luigi’s parking lot. The boys ditch their skateboards once they reach the backdoor. Cameron inserts the key and jingles the door knob. The door infact opens with ease and with the flick of a switch a haven of pizza is at the hand of three teenage boys.
“Holy crap guys” Michael whispers in excitement. Luigi’s itself wasn’t pretty, but the fact that the boys weren’t suppose to be there, made it beautiful. The white tiles and the stench of greasy pizza surrounded everyone.
“Jackpot!” Cameron exits a room holding a box of cold pepperoni pizza. In awe, Joseph and Michael diggin to the pizza. It was obvious by the way the boys walked that everyone had a bit of adrenaline in them. Suddenly, they hear footsteps and a deep voice coming from the side.
“ Who’s in there!?” Everyone looked at eachother and panicked. His voice was getting closer.
“You’re not getting away!” The voice was frightening. Joseph points to the desk and signals to hide behind it. Michael and Cameron follow him and cramp next to each other with their necks pointed to the sky. They hear loud footsteps stomping on the brown hardwood floor. All three of them sensed a presence right next to them. Joseph bravely turns his head as quiet as possible and sees nobody. He whispers,
“Let’s break for it.” Before any of the two can respond, Joseph is up on his feet and dashes to the back door with his friends right on his back. They hear the voice again.
“Hey come back!!!!” Joseph hops on his board and kicks faster than he ever has. He looks back to confirm his friends are alive, and continues to kick, his entire body shaking of  fear. Joseph hustles to Michael’s house using every breath of energy he has. He turns on his driveway, and thankfully sees both of his friends out of breath along with him.
“HOW ARE WE NOT DEAD?!” Michael yells gasping for air. The three pass out on the grass in exhaustion realizing their stupidity. It’s not like they were even hungry, they just wanted to do it to say they did it. But indeed, the boys foolish middle school ideas make for a great story to reminisce on.

The author's comments:

This is a story about kids who break in on a pizza place. 

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