Determining my destiny | Teen Ink

Determining my destiny

May 8, 2017
By Anonymous

I never knew my destiny.
People around me talked to me about their plans for their future , but when they asked me about my plans, I had nothing to say. Well I had many interests to be honest, but didn't know the right one. But an incident changed my life forever.
A day outside school, I walked along the road to home, I saw a person running towards me and as he passed, he pushed me aside. I was furious. Even though he was in a hurry, he should have not pushed me! I got up, brushing the dust off my knees and suddenly caught by utter curiosity, followed this man.
Now, as I went behind him, my eyes saw a big orphanage with many children whose eyes lit the moment they saw him. He opened his bag,which was filled with snacks.
The children cheered. He fed them,which was a wondrous sight to see. I realised that there were many people who couldn't even dream like me as their opportunities are so few. I knew exactly what I wanted to do now.
It has been many years now. I have become a socialist, helped many children and felt happiness in seeing them smile. There is nothing better than helping people.

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