Dont Get It Twisted | Teen Ink

Dont Get It Twisted

May 26, 2018
By alexis.duval BRONZE, Asia, Alabama
alexis.duval BRONZE, Asia, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Growing up in a town in Texas, at a school filled with gun violence, drug use, and all types of illegal things, life is kind of rough. Every time i go to school, i can barely focus on my work because of the strong different types of drug smells mixed together and gallons of alchohal the majority of people just drank. Im quite honestly not that popular but i dont really mind, or thats what i tell myself atleast. Yet funny enough, working at the old cafe down the road, pouring coffee and fixing breakfast plates every day monday-friday is no where near enough for me. Im in love. Or atleast i think so. My best friend, Jasmin, tells me its probably just a stupid irrelevant faze im going through for him. My crush, Alex, is quite different from me anyways. He is popular, im not, he does drugs and is constantly in deep trouble, unlike me. Another thing, he is my best friend. He is also in big trouble. Alex Carson, at 6:00pm , accidentally shot his enemy and injured him. Racing to the hospital , attempting to defeat the timing and race of death, threatened his enemy, Shane Cosmoce, that if he ever told, he would be dead, its not until shane cosmoce was killed that he was in horrible trouble. he was a main suspect. Turns out, there was a much darker story to the death of shane cosmoce. when i was told about shane cosmoce being found hanging from a tree near the bumbhay river. the only thing that he toted around was missing, his wallet. me and alex wondered and shared our thoughts about the matter over late night facetiming. we decided to ask our school councelor about his family to try and figure out clues about who would succeed at this grusome murder of shane cosmoce. after we threatened to leak the video of the councelor kissing her noon appoitment, she gave us answers. he had a large family but not a large enough family to have members left after a mass shooting at their mansion sized home back in his hometown, Greensboro NC. he moved here to get some closer and to move on from his life but apparently he didnt move far enough to get away from his murderer.  after we almost went to jail for threats and blackmail, we gave up. Until we started dating. thats right , me and alex carson were dating. that is until i found shane cosmoces wallet in my boyfriends car. 

The author's comments:

this piece is a twisted story of a relationship between a girl and her accused-of-murder boyfriend. dont get it twisted. 


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