A Night to Remember | Teen Ink

A Night to Remember

May 28, 2018
By StarkSnow20 BRONZE, Jackson, New Jersey
StarkSnow20 BRONZE, Jackson, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was 5:30 in the morning when my father walks into my room wearing his thickest winter gear just to walk to the car so he could go to work, with his long scraggly beard he kisses my forehead and tells me it was time to get up for school. It wasn’t until I smelt the delicious smell from the feast that mom prepared for breakfast, the sizzling bacon with the fluffy pancakes was all I needed to get out of bed. Apparently my brother and sister smelt the same thing as me because there feet didn’t even touch the ground they were moving so fast.

“Hey slow down, and save some food for your sister.”
My mom said with a small wink at me. I sat next to my younger brother Jon who was already on his fourth pancake and was showing no signs of slowing down
“How are you feeling, are you going to be okay today?” ,I asked trying to seem worried
“Ye-ye-ah I wi-ill-ll be-ee o-k.”, he said with his usually studer that has improved over the years. The reason I asked him was because for the last few weeks two boys in his class were bullying him and making fun of his studer, and the reason I don’t seem worried is because I know they are not going to make fun of him anymore after today.
The bus pulls up to the school regular time and like always the two bullies Ryan and Danny are waiting for there easy prey to enter the jungle. As we stepped off the bus Jon held my hand so tight that my hand turned completely white, we walk towards them with Jon’s head down and I gave them a little wink because I know what will happen next and they don’t. Suddenly four of the starting linemen of our championship football team walked over and stared down at them. Only one of the giants had to look at them and say
“Are you really messing with our friend?”, that was all it took to make them run like a fart in the wind and they never bothered my brother again.
In the hallway in between my A.P Physics class and A.P English class is where I can talk to my friends and see Alex Smith who is the captain of the lacrosse team and who I had a crush on since fifth grade. Nobody knows except my best friend Jenny who snuck up behind me and caught me staring.
“You still like him don’t you?”, she said with an joking tone.
“No I don’t, I was looking at something else.” I said with a shy tone trying not to let her see my red face. Jenny has been telling me for years to go talk to him and that at this point I should just ask him out. There is not a lot of things that scare me but this dose without a doubt.
“It’s probably better that you didn’t try and flirt with him.” Jenny said taking a step away from me.
“What is that suppose to mean?”, I asked while rubbing my hands together.
“Well I waited for you to make a move since fifth grade.” she said taking another step away
“So we are going to prom together.”, Jenny said now walking towards him. I was hoping this was just another one of her sick jokes that I don’t get. It wasn’t until I watched her kissing him then I realized it was real. I wiped off the look of shock off my face and gave her a smile and a wink knowing that I now have to prepare my revenge for prom in a month.
Now prom has finally arrived and in the limo me and Jenny are excited for too different reasons. Now Jenny and Alex are drinking what they think is whisky but really is the Ipecac Syrup I took from the medicine cabinet. After three hours of dancing I can see the look on there face that tells me the plan is working. Also according to plan they were the prom king and queen which meant they had to slow dance in front of everyone with photographers taking pictures for the yearbook. Halfway through the song I watched Jenny vomit on top of Alex and then he vomited on top of Jenny’s head. The best part was I saw the photographer take a perfect shot of them vomiting on each other. While everyone was screaming, crying, laughing, taking pictures I just sat back with a small smile knowing that my revenge is complete and no one knows it was me. I can’t wait till monday to relive this moment.

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