Love Kills | Teen Ink

Love Kills

June 19, 2018
By Lillylovez_ SILVER, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Lillylovez_ SILVER, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life is too deep for words, so don't try to describe it, just live it"

Our world is a little different than the place you may know. It is less sunshine and butterflies and more of If I love you I am closer to dying. My world consists of depression and anxiety of the black hole of death; there is not one person that I know that isn't scared of death as it can happen on any day of any hour. The way we die is tricky it's not of old age or heart attack its love. Some people fear it some people will literally die for it. So you are probably a little confused here’s some help every time you fall in love, you lose a part of your soul to the person you love. Every time someone falls in love with you, you get a piece of their soul. You die when you run out of soul to give. Some people know how to work the game of life or death. There are two types of people in this world there is no in-between or not either one. You are either a person that has never found love or a person who makes a person fall in love with them to purposefully extend their life. And that’s where this story begins.


My mother was sick, from an illness we called “Love on the brain”. This illness was diagnosed when my mother was reaching the end of her life and nothing could be done. Her last piece of her soul can now be found in a man's chest, who comes by the name of Charlie. Charlie was my father’s best friend but ever since my father disappeared a couple months after my mother was diagnosed. Charlie has been my father figure in my life and I must say he was a better “father” than mine ever was. We had theories about my dad's disappearance maybe he found another woman to love or maybe he was sick of the thought of my mother passing, but he never bothered to call or even reach out. My mother was the type of woman who easily fell in love and could easily make other people do the same. But recently no one seems to be interested in falling in love with a sick woman with bags under her eyes and skin as pale as snow. Except for the person that knew what was underneath the sickness and the bags and that was Charlie. He was the one who gave my mother this illness, her last piece of her soul went to him but she never got a piece in return.

The author's comments:

I had written this with just an urge to lay down a few words. That love may be the greatest thing you have ever found but it may not be with the right person, as love can put you in some pretty tough places. 

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