Wishes | Teen Ink


December 7, 2018
ihaveanionicprepositionforyou10 BRONZE, Newton, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't change so people will like you. Be yourself and the right people will love the real you<3

My Life:

It is the 27th of December. Tonight. Basketball game. It is not just any basketball game. Senior night. Tonight I have to go. I am trying to be a great girlfriend. But it is just hard.

“Olivia, what are you doing?”

Kennedy caught me off guard.

Kennedy. My best friend since I can ever remember. Brown hair, blue eyes, tan skin. She is a junior. Tyler. My boyfriend. 6’5”, brown hair, brown eyes, and tan skin. And then there is me, blonde hair, 5’4”, green eyes, and ivory skin.

“Oh my bad. I just have a lot on my mind.”
“Oh. Parents?”

“No not really. I don’t want to go to the basketball game tonight. Tyler and I, well, lets just say we aren’t getting along like we usually do.”

“What do you mean?”

“Let’s put it this way. Would you be okay if Luke was hanging out with other girls? Not just any girl. Stella?”

“Woah. Um no.”


It was 2:59 and that was the longest minute of my life.

3:26- Kennedy’s house

We pull up to Kennedy’s beautiful home. 2 stories, tan siding, burgundy shutters. While we walk upstairs to her room, I get a text message from Tyler. I read, “Come on, answer me. Wow. I went to a party and hung out with Stella. Big deal.”

As Kennedy reads my phone she says, “Big deal? Isn’t that like adultery or something?”

“According to him, no. To me, yeah I guess.”

Kennedy frowns.

“I mean, maybe he will be happier without me.”

“Come on Olivia, it is senior night, our last night on the court cheering for our high school. Don’t let some stupid guy ruin it for you.”

“Yeah, you’re right. I mean maybe I should just shut off my phone and have fun with you.”


“Hey, do you want to go out after the game with some friends?”

“I don’t know. I’m not feeling it.

“Come on, please? If you don’t go, I won’t go.”

“No Kennedy, I am not letting me stop you from having fun. I seem to do that a lot and I hate it.”

“Well then, if you hate it so much, you would go.”
“Kennedy.” Olivia complains as she rolls her eyes.


“Okay whatever. Fine. Let me go see what Tyler is saying.”

As I turn my phone on, I think about what he will say. Will he turn me down to hang out with Stella?

When my phone finally turns on, I see a text message from a girl from my school.

“Oh my gosh! Did you see Stella’s instagram post???”

“Oh no Kennedy. Natalie from school just texted me and told me to look at Stella’s instagram.”

As I go into Instagram, the first thing that pops up is from @stellaisaqweennnnnn. I look at the picture in disbelief.


Kennedy walks over.

“Who does she freaking think she is?”

“A ‘qween’ apparently.”

The instagram post was a picture of Stella and Tyler hugging each other. The caption reads “Yeah, I guess you could say we love each other.”

Right at that moment, I see a text from Tyler.

“Livy, I saw that post. That isn’t what you think it is. I do not love her.”

I reply, “You know, I don’t even care anymore. Just quit talking to me.”

“What do you mean Liv? You didn’t even let me explain. What happen is she fell and I helped her up. Someone got a picture.”

“Well why did you even hang with her at a party? You know that I do not like her.”

“I didn’t even freaking hang with her!! Livi, you’re way better than her. Why would I want to be with her?”

“I don’t know. Why would you?”

“Livi, I don’t.”


“Ok? Can we please just put this behind us? Luke wanted to know if we wanted to go out with the guys after the game. You can bring Kennedy. You don’t have to but I would really like you to.”

“Sure, whatever. Ken’s not coming. Gotta go get ready. See you at the gym at 6:30.”

The Game:


I had every possible thing on my mind. Tyler, mom and dad, Stella, and so much more. What if my dad shows up intoxicated for my senior night? What if they start fighting and everyone notices? What if they get mad at me and punish me? Not just any kind of punishment.

Well, here is my back story. When my parents got mad at each other, they took it out on me. Punching, slapping, and slashing. When I was little, I couldn’t do anything about it. On my 12th birthday, that night, they did it to me. I grabbed some stuff, ran out of the house, and ran to Kennedy’s, crying. So, I pretty much live there. Her parents are the only ones who know, along with her. No one in my school has seen my scars, Kennedy is really good at makeup. And I am great at making up something. One time, Daddy punched me with a quarter in his knuckles. Man, talk about a black eye. Kennedy tried to cover it up but, some of it was noticeable. So, I guess I ran into my shelf on my wall that had something hanging off of it.

I don’t really know why I still want to be with mom and dad. They’ve made my life horrible. I just don’t want them to be mad. Though they are 24/7.

“Vi, are you okay?”
“I don’t really know. I have so much on my mind Ken. I mean, Tyler and I are hanging out with his friends after the game.”

“What? I thought you were hanging out with the girls.”

“Oh shoot. I already told Tyler I would. I also told you I would. What should I do?”

“I mean, I really wanted you to come, but it is whatever. What do you want to do?”

“Honestly, I don’t wanna be with Tyler. He knows that I am not that happiest with him, so I will cancel with him. I need this time with you guys.”

“Are you positive?”
“Yep. 110%.

“Woah, my girl is confident for once in her lifetime.”

We arrive at the gym, and for some weird reason, I’m nervous. As we walk in the doors, someone grabs my waist.

“Hey Olive, you ready for tonight?”

Of course, it is Tyler.

“Um yeah, about that. I might of accepted Kennedy’s offer before yours. I forgot. I’ve had a lot on my mind lately. Will you forgive me? I promise, I will make time for you sometime.”
“Uh yeah, I guess. I’ll miss you. Text me your next free time.”

“Of course!”
“Can you call me when you get home?”

“Okay, love you.”

“Love you too. Good luck tonight.”
“Thanks Olly.”
Kennedy starts walking, and I catch up with her.

“That was really awkward.” Kennedy points out.

“Yeah, no duh.”

“It seems like he is kind of mad.”

“I mean honestly, I don’t care.”

As we walk into the gym, I see my parents.

“Oh no.” I say in desperation as they walk over to Kennedy and I.

“Oh, honey, you look so beautiful. Our little baby is growing up.” Mom comments as she looks at Dad.

“Yeah, sure. I don’t think she could’ve put one more ounce of makeup on.”

I look at dad in disbelief, but I don’t try to get mad.
“Tim, was that necessary? We have talked about this. I can’t believe I married an idiot like you.”

Kennedy and I look at each other. She gives me the ‘you’ve got to try to stop this’ look.

“Mom, it’s okay. I’m not going to worry about. I don’t need anything else to worry about. So just please stop.”

“Haha, you’re so funny Olivia. Like I am going to listen to you.” Dad says with annoyance.

“Olivia, I think your coach wants us to go over there. It is past 6:30.” Kennedy states.

“Yeah, okay, see you at the end of the Junior Varsity game.”

Well right there, you just saw my life. I hate it. This is why I do not go out in public with my parents.

As the game starts, I cannot stop staring at Tyler. I see him glance at my a couple of times, with a smirk. I really wish we can get through this, but I do not know. I think he does too, the way he looks at me. Maybe I do need to find more time for him. But then I think about him and Stella. Who is staring at me right now. Stella is a cheerleader too, the second cheer captain, along with meI. When I look over at her, she looks away, looking at Tyler. I stared at her for a good while, and then she winks at him. Kennedy rolls her eyes at Stella from the crowd.

It is almost the end of the Junior Varsity game, which means we are about to be presented as seniors. Hopefully my parents aren’t still arguing.

The buzzer rings and the athletes line up. As they call my name I walk out with my parents. I then take my gifts and give the flower to mom and the candy to dad. I give the both hugs and as I give my gifts to dad, he states real loudly, “No, I don’t want anymore crap you idiot.”

Oh no, just what I was scared of. It just happened. I can’t believe he would do that. Everyone gasps in complete shock. After what felt like hours, the ceremony is finally over. I walk off of the court, holding back my tears.

“Oh my gosh, you’re a little baby.” Stella comments.

“Stella, I don’t even want to hear it. You don’t even know how rough I have had it. My parents argue 24/7, they physically and mentally abuse me all of the time, you’re trying to steal my boyfriend, and you are just so rude. So if you want to call me a baby, make sure you check yourself.”

“Oh wow, I am trying to steal your boyfriend? More like you are trying to steal him. It was love at first sight, then you met him and he dropped me. He was mine before anyone.”

“Whatever Stella. I don’t want to hear some made up stuff.”

Just then, I see my parents walk towards me. I try to walk away fast, but they get to me.


“Wow, really? You’re so sensitive.” Dad verbalizes.

“I am sensitive. Really. I mean you only made a fool of yourself and now everyone knows I have freakish parents. Just stay away from me.”

I then run out of the gym, to Kennedy’s car. It’s locked. I try to find Tyler’s truck. “Ford F-350. Blue.” I repeat in my head. Finally, I find it and lucky enough, it’s unlocked. I take my phone out of my pocket and I see a text from Kennedy.

“Where are you????”
“Tyler’s truck.”

“Why? Are you okay?”
“Yeah totally. I mean Stella tells me I am a baby and then tells me I stole Tyler from her. Then dad says that I am sensitive and now everyone knows about my freakish parents. So yeah, I am the best I have ever been.”

I run out of the gym into Tyler’s truck. I knew it would be unlocked. My phone buzzes and I see a text from Kennedy.

“Where are you?”

“In the truck, why?”

“You’re coach is wondering where you are at.”

“Tell her I got sick.”

“Okay. See you at the house.”

One hour passes and finally I hear Tyler’s voice.

When he opens his truck door, he finds me laying down on his seats.

“There you are Olivia! I was looking for you everywhere. Are you okay?”
“Can we talk about this later? Like at Ken’s or at the Diner?”

“Of course!”
“Okay, just go wherever.”

I look outside the window as a tear runs down my cheek.

“Oh my gosh Liv, what is wrong?”

“We’ll talk about it later.”

“Okay, but just know, we will get through this together. I will never let you get hurt.”
“Aw thanks Ty. How about we order some pizza and go watch a movie at Ken’s?”
“Sounds amazing.”

As we walk into the house with the pizza, Kennedy’s mom meets us at the door.

“Hi Olivia! What are you two doing tonight?”

“Is it okay if we watch a movie down in the basement?”
“You know you can Vi, you know you are a member of the family. How was tonight?”
“Well, I think my dad came in a little intoxicated.”

“You must’ve been so embarrassed.”
“Oh trust me, I was.”

“Okay you two have fun!”

We walk down into the basement, and turn on my favorite movie, “Footloose”. We talked about everything, and he said everything I wanted him to say. We watched the rest of the movie, and ate all of the pizza. When the movie was over, I checked my phone. It was 12:54. Tyler was out like a light. I watched him sleep for a while until I woke him back up.

“Ugh, why’d you have to do that?”
“I’m tired and I wanna go to sleep.”

“Okay, I wanna sleep too.”

As we picked everything up, I realized that I forgot everything that had happened earlier.

“How are you now?”
“Tonight was everything I needed. Thank you.”
“No problem. I would do it any minute of the day.”
“Aw, you’re so sweet!”

We walked back up the stairs and I walked him out. He gave me a peck on the cheek. I then realized I don’t know what I would without him.

“Goodnight, I love you so much Olivia Rose.”
“Right back atcha Tyler Lee.”

Tyler got in his truck, and I blew him a kiss as he drove away.

I thought to myself, “I knew we would get through this. We always do.”

I walked back inside and walked upstairs into Kennedy’s room. Kennedy was still up and sitting in bed.

“Hey Ken!”
“Hey Olive, how are you?”
I tell her about everything. She sits there and listens to me. That’s what I love about her.

We went on with our conversation while I got ready for bed. We laid in bed and turned all of the lights off. As I scrolled through Instagram I saw Stella posted again. It was a selfie of her crying and the caption read, “I guess he is gone:(“. She must be talking about Tyler. In the comments, I read that Tyler commented. It said, “I never was yours to begin with. I have one love and one love only. Olivia Rose<3”. This made me smile. He makes all the pain go away.

Ten minutes later I get a text from Tyler that reads, “Are you and Kennedy doing anything tomorrow? We could go out for lunch! I have a surprise!!!”

“Yeah, that should be fine. What is it???”

“Goodnight Olivia, love you:)”

“Ugh, love you too, maybe.”



The Surprise


“Kennedy, I feel really bad I still haven’t got you a Christmas present. What do you want?”

“A boyfriend.”

“I can’t get that for you.”
“Ugh I know.”

“Oh, by the way, you and I are going out to lunch with Tyler.”

“He has a surprise for us.”

“Us? Meaning me too?”


“Okay geez.”

Two hours passed and Tyler was driving with Kennedy and I in the truck.

“So where are we going?”

“I was thinking Applebee's, what about you guys?”

“Sounds great.”

We pull up to Applebee’s and I see Tyler put a pile of folded paper into his pockets.

“What is that?”

“What is what?”
“You know what I mean.”

“No, not really.” He smirks.

“Ugh, I really hate you.”
“No you don’t.”

We walk into the restaurant as Tyler holds the door. When we get seated Kennedy says, “Okay, what’s the surprise?”
“I have no idea what you mean.”

“Tyler!” I exclaim.

“Okay, okay, fine. It isn’t really that big, but we are leaving Brooklyn at 4:00 A.M. on December 31. Then we are going to go to New York City and watching the ball drop. We are going to try to get right in the front. And I am bringing my friend, Luke.”
“Oh my gosh! It isn’t really that big? I have always wanted to go!” I say with a big smile on my face.
I look over at Kennedy with her jaw dropped.

“Ken, are you good?”
“Uh, yeah. I never thought we would be able to go.”

“Ugh, Tyler, I suddenly do not hate you anymore!” I declare.

“Well you shouldn’t.”


“So, who is this Luke dude?”
“He was the other captain on the basketball team. Why?”

“No reason.”

“Okay, well we better get packed for tomorrow.”

I opened my drawer at Kennedy’s house. It had most of my clothes in it. I decided to pick out a cute winter outfit that goes with Converse and a winter beanie. I put all of my clothes in a duffel bag along with other things.

After 30 minutes of packing, I put my stuff by the door, right next to Kennedy’s.

“I’m hungry.” Kennedy complained.

“What do you wanna eat?”
“Pizza Hut sounds amazing right now.”

“Okay, let’s go.”
We hopped into my car and drove to Pizza Hut. Kennedy turned the music up. I thought about tomorrow. What if Tyler and I argue? I really don’t want to have any problems with him, but I don’t know how he feels.

We pulled into the parking lot and walked in.

“Oh no.”


It was Stella. She was with Luke. I tried to listen to what they were saying.

“But isn’t he still dating that Olivia girl?”

“Not for long. He hasn’t seen the best part of me yet.”

“Well how do you expect me to ruin my best friend’s relationship? He adores her! He talks about her 24/7.”

This made me smile. I realized that maybe Tyler wasn’t lying.

“But maybe it’s time for him to break up with her. They have been together for over two years. She has had enough of Tyler, it’s my time. She’s not even that pretty and she has a horrible life. She has a nasty  personality and I don’t see how anyone likes her.”

Oh no. Kennedy heard that.

“Well hello Stella. So, I kind of overheard that convo you just had with this dude. Really? She has a nasty personality? You are the one that is literally trying to break up their relationship. Well guess what? News Flash! Tyler likes Livi better and will never like you. Yeah, she doesn’t have the best life, but that it what makes her such a great person. I honestly don’t see how anyone likes you! And too, can you only date a person for two years then dump them? No. Get over yourself Stella.”

Kennedy grabbed my arm and led me outside.

“Wow Ken.”

“Well no one is talking about my best friend like that.”
“So, where do you want to go?”

Stella walks out, stomping her feet.
“Thanks, Olivia. You know I have always wanted him to be mine. Now it’s never going to happen!”

“Wait, you’re trying to make me feel bad? No, you should feel bad. You made Tyler look like he was cheating on me! Don’t even talk to me.”

I slam my door shut and drive off with Ken.

“Let’s go to Arby’s. That is my comfort food.” Ken declares.

“I agree. I have never had so much drama in my life.


We are sitting on Kennedy’s bed, watching Netflix and eating.

Both of us are really excited for tomorrow.

New Year’s Gone Wrong

3:00 A.M.

“Ugh, Kennedy turn it off.”

“I’m so excited!”

We get up and get ready by 4:00 in the morning. We walk outside and put our stuff into Tyler’s truck.

“Where Luke?” I ask.

“Oh, he is going to meet us there.“

Kennedy’s phone goes off.

“Aw shoot. Mom wants me to go to Walmart. I’ll just go by myself.”

“Are you sure?” I ask.


“Okay then. Guess it’s just you and me.” I smirk.

Kennedy gets into her car and follows us.

“So, how was your week?”

“Eh, it was okay. Guess who I saw last night?”

“Oh no, who?”
“Stella. I think she was talking to Luke.”

“Oh yeah he told me. Man, she had a nerve.”

“Yeah, Ken told her off.”

Tyler holds my hand.
“Look, we will get through this together. I never want to see you hurt. I will always be there for you.”

I smile and squeeze his hand.

It took us 2 hours to get through traffic, when it usually talks 28 minutes. Tyler parks his truck ½ mile from the ball. There are some people by the ball already. Tyler and I walk up to the gates and stand right in front of the ball.

“We did it! We got in the first row.”

Kennedy texts me.

“Where are you guys?”
“Just call her.” Tyler declares.

“Well I don’t know where you parked!”
“Fine, let me talk to her.”

“Hello? Um yeah. So like try to find Jefferson Ave. Okay. Okay so now, park in the bank parking lot. Yep. Okay. See you in a few.”

I stare at him with a smile.


“Nothing, it’s just cute seeing you all frazzled.”

He blushes.

About 5 minutes later, we see Kennedy run.
“What are you doing?” I ask.

“Nothing, it’s just scary walking by myself in NYC.”

We all start laughing.

Hours have passed and it is now dinner time. Tyler sends Kennedy and I to go get Subway for Tyler and Luke.

“So this Luke, he’s kinda cute.” Kennedy states while smiling.

“Oooo, someone has a crush.”

“No I don’t. At least not a huge one. I’ve only met him once.”

“Well let me put it this way, Luke is really sweet. He would do anything for Tyler and I.”
Kennedy starts blushing.

“Trust me, Tyler and I are gonna get you hooked up.”

“Really Olive? We just met.”

“Well, you have to meet sometime.”
“Ugh, fine.”


We walk into Subway and order. We walk out in record time. It is about 7:00.


“And too, you guys still have 5 hours.”

“Oh, so now you are talking about if he is gonna kiss me or not.”
“It’s so gonna happen. Luke makes moves, fast.”

“Oh great.”

“Just don’t be shy. And too, he is a junior!”
“Age doesn’t mean anything.”

“Says the one who only dates guys her age.”

“I don’t even wanna hear it Miss “I don’t know if I wanna date someone more mature than me. I also don’t wanna date someone younger because that would just be weird”.

“Okay, you proved your point.”

We walk back to the front while we hear people calling us “line cutters”. Kennedy shouts back at them, “Our friends our up here and we were here at 6 in the morning so shut it!”.

It’s now 11:50 and Kennedy and Luke have been chatting all night. I hear, “So Kennedy, do you wanna go out sometime?”

“Of course!” She shouts back.

Tyler then gets into the conversation and asks, “So are you two dating or something?”

They look at each other.

“I’m in if your in.” Luke says.


The timer is now going down and everyone counts down from 10 seconds.

“10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, HAPPY NEW YEAR!”
Tyler whips me down and we do the normal thing couples do during the New Year.
I glance over at Ken and Luke, and they are doing the same thing. After about 2 minutes, Kennedy talks to me and says, “Oh my gosh! Did you see that! I got my Christmas wish!”

Right then, Kennedy gets a call from her mom.
“Hello? Yeah, Happy New Years. Oh no. Really? Okay. I’ll be on my way.”

She looks at me and says, “I got to go. My grandma is in the hospital.”

And just like that she was gone.

About 30 minutes later, we were walking back to the truck. I get a call from Ken’s mom.

“Olivia, Kennedy got is an accident. She’s in a coma.”

I drop my phone and run to the truck along with Tyler and Luke.

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