Remember when Hina was here | Teen Ink

Remember when Hina was here

January 15, 2019
By kiritohu1912 BRONZE, Eagle Mountain, Utah
kiritohu1912 BRONZE, Eagle Mountain, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The day before yesterday, I saw a rabbit. Yesterday, It was a deer. And Today, It's you"

The morning sun rose through the sleepy seaside town of Katagami. The street lights had just shut off. Alarms went off seconds by second. As soon as sunlight hit Joe's room, he arose from a pointless slumber. If he wanted to sleep more, but his body was thought it was the middle of the day.
Joe showered, put on his school uniform, and slicked his hair back. He stared at himself as if he were a Samurai. He headed downstairs and made himself breakfast. After eating he looked at his watch, "Shoot, Jill needs to get up," thought Joe.
After some time Jill came downstairs to realize that she had 10 minutes to get ready and eat. After throwing on her uniform and vacuuming her food they headed out the door with only a few moments to spare.
They walked to the train to go to Akita, a short train ride from where they lived. Once they got to school, they went straight to the office to finish up registration. While Jill was finishing signing some papers, Joe looked out to see students talking and heading to their homeroom. He felt very out of place. Jill, on the other hand, was happy to start school and start over again.
Once they were done signing they followed the rest of the students to class. Their teachers introduced themselves to their classes. Jill was quickly welcomed to her class. Joe, on the other hand, struggled to find his voice. Between classes he heard a voice saying "Hey Joe, why are you so sad?" Joe, in shock, replied, "Who are you?!?”

"I’m Hina Ito. I would like to welcome you. Why don’t you join me for lunch today?" Joe agreed and Hina went back to her seat.
Lunch break came around for Joe. Hina grabbed Joe’s hand and said ”Come on”, with a cheeky smile. Joe followed Hina upstairs towards the schools' atrium. Joe looked down to see a courtyard filled with beautiful shrubbery. They found a bench and Joe pulled out his lunch, then started eating. While he was eating he looked up to see Hina smiling at him. Joe asked, “Why did you decide for me to sit with you at lunch? Don't you have other people to sit with?"

Hina put her chopsticks down and said plainly, "What high school did you go to before transferring here?”  

Joe replied shocked about the question, ”A school in the central part of United States”.

Hina replied, ”So why are you here then ?" Hina laughed.

”My parent's jobs and a fresh start of life “, Joe replied.

Hina replied, “ Oh, I see then”.

They continued to chat then Hina asked "what in the world are you eating," pointing to the plastic container that Joe had been eating out of, ”oh, that’s chicken barbecue pizza I made yesterday," said Joe.

"Then can I have some please," Hina replied with curiosity.

Joe smiled and gave her some. At first, she seemed unsure about the flavor but, after a few seconds later she was taking more. By the time lunch had ended Joe and Hina laughing as if they were very close. It had seemed they had known each other for years. The lunch bell rang and they headed back to class still taking. Class started and Hina asked to leave for a moment. When she returned she was pale as a ghost and was sent to the schools emphary thereafter.
After school, Joe walked home alone. About two hours later, Joe finally got a text Jill that will be studying at a friends house for the night. Joe did his homework and made dinner for himself. Then a great peace fell upon the house which seemed to last forever, but only lasted for a short time.

Weeks went by and Jill was busier than ever. A few weeks later a lot hit Joe and Jill. His Mother and Father split after his Father found out that his Mother was having an affair. Jill was constantly busy in her many activities and school. she wasn’t at home all that much. At the most, Joe saw Jill when she would get home, but other than that he didn't see or talk to her much. Hina seemed to be losing weight pretty fast and seemed to be getting sick more often and wouldn’t be at school for days sometimes weeks.
One day at school Joe was waiting for class to start. Hina tried to jump on his desk but instead fell on the floor. After getting up slowly She asked, ”are you free tomorrow?"

Joe replied, ”yeah I'm open."

”Good then meet tomorrow at the Akita train station at 9. We are going to Morioka," said slightly injured Hina.

Joe laughed slightly and Hina limped back to her seat. After school, Joe invited Hina over to his house to do some studying for the test they will be having on the following Monday. They worked on some homework and studied the test mineral. After they had finished they said goodbye.

The next morning Joe arose about 8:00 and got ready. At 8:50 Joe proceeded towards the train station. He waited for a few minutes then Hina arrived looking very looking beautiful but tired. They quickly got on to the train headed then proceeded towards Morioka.

Hina fell asleep on Joe's lap during the train ride. ”She must have gotten tired from the walk to the train station, odd" thought Joe. Joe had only been to Morioka once before. Yet, He had only seen the train station and airport. Once they got off they headed to lunch. After Joe asking for about an hour they found a place that served Wanko soba, one of Hina favorite meal even though she couldn't eat that many bowls. Joe ate almost 30 bowls, while Hina only ate 4 bowls. Once they finished Hina lead Joe to the scenic Morioka castle ruins. They both sat on a bench onlooking the ruins; Joe could tell something wasn't right. "Joe, I have something to tell you," Hina said sadly.

"yes, what is it," Joe replied softly.

Hina took a deep breath and started talking "don't know how much longer I'll be alive for; I have SCID. I didn't know until it was too late for it to be treated."

She was in tears at This point. "I like you, I have since we met. I can't be with you for much longer."Joe started to cry at this point. With fingers together they both leaned in both closing their eyes and embrace for what seemed forever. The rest of the time was spent enjoying Morioka. Their hands don't let go once. Even when headed to the train station and get on the train. On the way back they both fell asleep. Once they get to their stop they hugged then said goodbye and headed their separate ways.
A month went by Hina got sicker and weaker as the disease got more serious. Joe visited Hina as much as possible, most afternoons they just go to Joe's. They often did small dates to Akita or just go to Joe's house just be together. Sometimes Hina wouldn't be able to walk farther than a half mile. 3 more weeks pass by during class Hina collapsed Joe rushes to her side. As she drifts in and out of consciousness they quickly call an ambulance and rushed to the hospital. When she gets to the hospital she is immediately put on life support. She stays in the hospital for a few days and seems to be doing better. A few days later, Joe gets that nightmarish call from the hospital. Joe quickly leaves class and runs to the hospital where she is staying at. Joe gets to her room as she is struggling for air .The doctor asks, ”are you Joe?”

Joe replies ”yes, what’s the problem?”

The doctor replies, ”Nothing, she has been calling for you. She is very weak so be careful."

”How long does she have?" asks Joe.

”We aren't sure but not long," the Doctor said.
"Joe," she says in a very weak voice, "I knew you would come..... Ever since we met those many months ago I knew this day would come. I'm Glad we met and became lovers, ”Tear started to fall down both of their faces. “I knew you were very special. Once I die please bury me behind your house so I won’t be forgotten. Please give up or blame yourself after my death. Don’t remember this time remember all the fun we had together"

Joe for the last time held Hina small, shivered hand.  Hina faint breaths become faint gasps. Joe's eye started to fill with tears as Hina said her last words were " I...l...o...v...e...y.....o....…u."  she took her final breaths and died peacefully with a smile on her face knowing that.
After Joe walked out of the room the doctor motioned him to come over. Joe walked over and they both sat down. Then the doctor said ”Hina was a wonderful person;  she made everyone happy, you were a lucky man to know her. You know, she always talked about you and, how you were so cute and wonderful ." Joe walked home in the rain knowing that the girl first talked to him at school those many months ago was gone.

Then a few days later Hina funeral came. Although everyone was sad they were happy that Hina was finally free from being sick. Jill surprisingly showed up with both of their parents getting along, somehow. Everyone from the school came to say goodbye. Joe heard so many stories of Hina's kindness. They buried Hina in Joe's backyard as Hina wished. Her headstone read

"She loved all. Will always remembered in everyone minds she touched."

Many years pass and Joe never left the house where Hina laid. Yet he was was at peace knowing that she was close by.

The author's comments:

This one was created in honor of Emily Kay Halliburton (December/24/1999 - October/13/2017). Emily and I were very close during work and the last bit of her lifetime. On October 13th Emily passed leaving everyone that loved her into shock. She has been missed a ton since she passed. When I heard at work my heart broke and I lost it. I was numb not knowing what think.

 Japanese Pronunciation guide
Akita: AA-Key-Ta
Morioka: Mo-Ree-o-Ka
Katagami: Ka-tee-ge-me
度も有賀と エマリーさま:Thank you so much Emily
Okonomiyaki: Oo-ko-no-me-YA-Key

Wanko soba: Wagn-co-soo-bu-h

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