Library Sweetheart | Teen Ink

Library Sweetheart

October 25, 2019
By Yami_Jen BRONZE, Farmington, New Mexico
Yami_Jen BRONZE, Farmington, New Mexico
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

   Although the library was old, it didn’t smell like the ancient books that lived there, no carpet stains or carvings of love declarations on the tables either. Not even a single chewed piece of gum in sight. The only student in the library was a young girl that knelt by the shelves with her hands in her lap, eyes roaming excitedly over the tattered titles. Something had peaked her interest and now she wanted to study philosophy on her own, starting with Plato. That was the right place to begin with right? Then again, who’s to tell her it was the wrong place? She removed it with a hum and walked back to her table. It was quiet. Serene. Her earphones dangled down and grazed her thigh as she sat. The girl tried to start on it but her leg was bouncing, her mind preoccupied with other thoughts that rarely left her alone. They were good thoughts, those of a pretty girl who wore ridiculous fuzzy socks every day and had a face full of freckles. She thought of the way her face scrunched up when she laughed really hard and how she radiated confidence, or how her voice was thick like syrup but sweet and honeyed even when she cussed. Words swam in front of the girl’s eyes but she couldn’t focus, the radiant laugh of her sweetheart seemed to echo through her subconscious like a chorus. And so the pages in front of her did not turn for another fifteen minutes until the bell rang and she closed the book with a soft thud, leaving for the bus with a dreamy smile.

The author's comments:

 I wrote this piece because it was the closest I could get to expressing the way I feel by channeling my emotions through writing.

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