The girl <3 | Teen Ink

The girl <3

January 20, 2020
By lily_larsson BRONZE, Ypsilanti, Michigan
lily_larsson BRONZE, Ypsilanti, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

By this time his feet were about freezing. The cold wet  rain seeping into his thin shoes as he walked towards the bus stop that was oh so far away. The rain was slowly drizzling down, and the cold wind pierced his exposed ears, brightly glowing a vivacious red. As he approached the bus stop he see figure under the pavilion, it was a girl. 

She had brown mousy hair that covered her face and she was holding a book. Unable to see what was scribed on the cover of it, he examined the rest of her. She had a long flowy flower skirt that wiped in the harsh rain and her shirt a bright yellow. As he was steadily getting closer,The bus should be coming any minute now. when he finally arrived at the bus stop, she looked up at him. He saw her, green eyed, light skinned, and the kindest smile one could imagine, she was quite pretty.  Then she looked back down at her book as he hurried under the pavilion to get coverage from the rain. 

It was still pouring. Then he looked down the road when he heard her voice. 

“ I like your shoes, what do they say” 

Startled, he anxiously reply, “Oh they’re just quotes from bands,”

'' That's so creative, what artists do you like?” she responded with an amused look. 

“Queen, The Beatles, ACDC, Zeppelin-” 

“really?! I love the Beatles” she pointed down her shirt,  John Lennon, Riggo Starr, Pual Macarthy and George Harrision all staring up at him. 

“Nice” he reply. he glanced down the road, the bus was in eyesight. 

“Welp, looks like the bus is almost here, what’s your name?” she said

“Oh i- my name is James” his voice breaking on the words that he hurriedly spat them out.

 “My name is pepper.” 

He grinned 


“like the salt?” he laugh

 “oh wowww, and he… like the peach” he immediately go silent as she laughs lightheartedly but he eventually join in. “oh, the bus is here” he say as she grabs her stuff and walks on to the bus he following behind her…

 He stepped onto the bus, and when he does, he sees the other kids sitting there. A light skin boy with curly black hair who had his headphones in, a small girl of Indian descent behind him. That's all he could notice before taking his seat. The curly haired boy noticed the girl for the first time, his face went white as paper except for his cheeks which were an exuberant shade of pink but he caught his eye and looked away, flustered. he did a double-take at the boy, he had a gray backpack and old jeans close the ones he was wearing. 

The bus stopped, the girl glanced up at he looked back at her, she is still reading her book and only looks up to meet his eyes. she and himself blush. The pit of his stomach reeled, why couldn't he talk to her more? For a moment, he started to wonder about his mind wondering why he was holding he back from talking to this pretty girl. He caught up to reality as the bus came to a halt. 

He looked outside to see how close he was to his destination, not in the slightest. Out of the corner of his eye he saw the girl move her hand skillfully towards her bag  while eyes still on her book. She grabbed her phone and checks the time. 

“Can I have your phone number!” he yelled. Everyone looked at him, seeing as though he basically just exclaimed bloody hell to the world, at least it felt like it. Their eyes burning into his face as it was a passionate red. 

“Haha sure” she handed her phone to he as he arose from his lively nightmare.

 “Oh. uh. I-” 

“It's fine haha”

“Oh gosh i'm so sorry.” He took her phone and inserted his phone number.

“Really it's fine haha”  she replied with a sincere smile curving along her glowing face. “This is my stop,” She picked up her bag and stood up, “I’ll text you.” Her face lit up with joy as he went pink. 

She walked to the front of the bus as the doors creaked open, she stepped out. The bus wheels slowly started to churn forward. He tried to look through the window to see her but she was not in sight, he didn't know where she had gone, not until he heard the driver scream and felt a bump in the road.

The author's comments:

I am an 8th grader and i ride the city bus every day so i come across a lot of interesting people and i write short storys about some of them so here is one that i decided to use for our school project.

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