Saving My Life | Teen Ink

Saving My Life

May 13, 2020
By lauramurray BRONZE, Sioux City, Iowa
lauramurray BRONZE, Sioux City, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The temperature outside was on a slow decrease from its blazing normal like a lazy sloth deciding it was time to crawl up the tree to take a nap. The pool water was frigid as usual, but it felt nice when the sun was so hot. I was in the usual lifeguard spot, chair number three. I had already been working for three hours and had begun to get that mid-day syndrome where I went into a daze barley paying attention. I was still dazed when I heard a clang and then a splash. My eyes darted toward the splash while my heart began to race when I immediately saw scarlet red mixing in with the aqua water. My mind went to racing attempting to recall my training and what I should do in this situation. My victim was now at the bottom of the pool most likely obtaining a head injury and possibly a neck injury. I swam thirteen feet down to the victim, and wrapped my arms around the victim’s chest in a sort of backwards hug remembering to be mindful of the victim’s possible neck injury. I kicked us to the surface, my lungs beginning to burn from the absence of oxygen. Finally, we broke through the surface I gasped for air. I immediately began CPR. “Staying alive Staying alive One, two, three, four, five…,” The Office’s Michael voice rung in my ears. This continued until the victim spat out the water that was trapped in her lungs and gasped for air. I did it. I rescued my first victim. I looked back down at my coughing victim and noticed her bright baby blue eyes and her beautiful blonde wavy hair. That was the moment I met Mary who I knew one day would be my wife. 


Mary and I got married and had our three beautiful children, one boy and two girls. Our home was a very busy place, where we enjoyed the company of our family and friends. A constant question that seems to come up is people asking how Mary and I met. When people do ask this, I think back to when I was 18 on the 7th of July. When we talked about the subject people tell me that I was so brave for saving Mary’s life and about how she was so lucky that I was there. In reality, I was lucky that she almost drowned that day, she turned my life around and basically saved my life.

The author's comments:

I am a Junior at High School. My future goal after high school is to become a music teacher and become a music educator. I am not sure where I wish to attend college yet but I am sure I will figure that out in the years to come.

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