A long time waiting | Teen Ink

A long time waiting

December 11, 2020
By Anonymous

As I walked into my dreadful chemistry class. I dragged my awkward  feet to my desk. While I place my thin velvet notebook onto my desk filled with carvings of names I don't recognize. I hear this obnoxious laughter. As I identify the source of laughter. I turn around and see a group of guys with blue lettermans jackets. And a group of girls with bodies like hourglasses with clothes not meant to be seen in public. As I gaze at the group, I make eye contact with one of the guys that seemed unrecognizable in the blue lettermans jacket. I immediately turned facing to the front where the chemistry teacher with the bad haircut was attending eager students with questions on last night's homework. Throughout the entire class period I stayed still. Finally, the bell had rung and as I was about to get up. The mystery man passed by me smelling his luxurious cologne. While walking out of class he was waiting outside the door. Which seemed odd because he had the presence of someone who wouldn't be alone. Again! I made contact with the mysterious man but, this time I saw his eyes amber like sap from trees. Sticky and unable to get away. Then the now tall handsome man came up to me with his dark luminizing hair. ¨What's your name?¨ he ordered. I stood still, not knowing what to do or say. ¨Im sorry, I forgot my manners. My name is Lucas.¨ he said apologetically. Chuckling I reply ¨Is this some type of joke?¨ Looking confused and with a smile he replies¨ No.¨ I say seriously, ¨Elle¨.Finishing I say ¨Is my name¨ As I finished my sentence, one of the hourglass girls came to Lucas and gave me a wretched glare. Her name was Taylor. Everyone felt pity over her because she has no friends. When I mean everyone felt pity I mean the boys more like the popular boys wanted to hang out with her. Since she's beautiful and rich. No one really likes Taylor since she's humiliated a majority of the school. As she grabbed lucas´s arm he smiled and whispered close to my fragile ear, ¨Come to the party at Taylor's house I'll give you my number.¨ As Lucas gave me his number he strolled off with Taylor across the cluttered halls until they looked like specks of dust. I was home know. Uncomfortable now to go to Taylor's party. I still hadn't sent a text to Lucas. I finally got up the courage to text him. After an hour he finally texted me back giving me the address to Taylor's house. As I arrived after confusion of wrong turns and what not. There weren't many people at her house. I didn't see anyone I knew or recognized. As I was about to leave after an hour Lucas and Taylor came from downstairs. The house was gigantic. There was a grand staircase whiter than snow. A piano that separated the dining room from the kitchen. The house had many windows and Taylors house was in the middle of the forest and had many beautiful trees outside of the house. Lucas had a nice shirt and was very luxurious with his clothes. I felt very isolated, actually everyone felt as if they were high class and I was the maid to come sweep. Or a maid who got invited. As Lucas came towards he asked me, ¨Shall I have the honor to have this dance?¨ I weirdly replied, ¨You shall¨. As we danced all night he asked me if I could go on a date with him. I of course said yes. The rest is history.

The author's comments:

Elle is a girl who gets intrigued by the mystery man with the leathermans jacket. Lucas notices her as well. 

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