Moments | Teen Ink


April 19, 2022
By raincloud03 BRONZE, Gilbert, Arizona
raincloud03 BRONZE, Gilbert, Arizona
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"I've changed every part of me, until the puzzle pieces aren't me, at all" -jigsaw by conan gray

He held out a hand, “Dance with me.”  
“What?! No! It's raining!”  
He laughed, pulling her from under her shelter. 
“C’mon! It’ll be fun!” 
He dipped her, loving the sound of her giggling. 
“Loosen up, love.”  
He spun her into his chest. 
She laughed again, gently holding his face. 
Their lips touched. 
“I love you.” 

The author's comments:

This piece is a flash fiction piece that I wrote for class. I ended up loving it and I was super impressed that I could write a story that made sense in fifty five words. I was really proud of it and decided it was time to put myself out there. 

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