A Second Chance not Granted | Teen Ink

A Second Chance not Granted

September 13, 2022
By shaylanguyen222 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
shaylanguyen222 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The faint sound of the movie plays throughout the apartment. While Romy Lane watches the movie with the romance she constantly wished she had while her hazel eyes start to fill up with tears. Her brown hair sticking to her face and her fair skin red as a tomato from all the crying. She’s as beautiful flower blooming in Spring. Which Adrien has failed to realize. Adrien, her lover of 5 years, goes around town trying to get every girl he sees for enjoyment and doesn’t think twice about the answer he says to those women. Romy sits there and constantly thinks over and over about Adrien. Is he with someone that looks like her? Someone that’s prettier? Someone that’s better than her? The squeak of the door breaks her train of thought and there he is, Adrien Best. His dark eyes and dark hair are the only thing she recognizes now, except how he snaps at her easily. As Romy tries to say something, Adrien starts getting furious with Romy. The walls scream back to Romy as Adrien is screaming at her then breaks down asking for forgiveness. It’s a cycle like a bicycle running and running for miles. Adrien gets a ding on his phone and smiles. “I’m heading out Babe, I’ll be home tomorrow.” He says in the middle of his plead and walks out.

            Romy sits there with a puffy and just goes through her phone. Her friend invited her out to hang out and get Adrien out of her head. She kindly rejected since she was a wreck currently. As she gets up from the lifeless bed, she looks around. “Is this worth the pain and suffering?” Romy asks herself, “Is this worth that amazing high school sweetheart title?”. Romy walks around the apartment where hundreds of pictures hang on the wall, and she smiles. All these happy memories, all the smiles, all the laughs, all the love that was given. It was just a memory now. Walking to the balcony, Romy decides to get fresh air. The cold air hit her face and she can see her breath now. She sits down rethinking about her relationship with Adrien. A weird flutter happens next to her, and she sees a butterfly. “A butterfly in November?” she exclaimed. It lands on her finger and sits there. Romy continues to think about hers and Adrien’s relationship and as soon as she thinks about leaving him, the butterfly flies away. She realized she needs to leave this relationship, starting with leaving this apartment.

            Adrien comes home and is out of it. He “had the best time of his life”. He sees Romy with a couple of boxes. He guessed that she was decorating for Christmas early so he heads to bed early. In reality, Romy was packing her things and leaving him as fast as she can. She plans on living in her parents’ house until she can live on her own. A couple hours have passed, and she packed all her things. From the lifeless pictures she took of them to her special bowls and mugs. A letter in her hand for him to read. She leaves it on the coffee table and blocks him on her phone. “Goodbye Home, I’ll be back soon!” she whispers while taking her things to her car.

            Adrien wakes up from his slumber and notices everything looks very empty but can’t put his finger on it. He walks out the room and looks at this picture of him and Romy. He smiles wondering how he got so lucky with a girl that stays with him even though he isn’t faithful to her. His phone rings and he smiled looking at a text. “SCORE! ANOTHER ONE!” he screams while packing his stuff to see this girl. He opened the door to leave but the letter stayed there unopened already gathering dust.

            It’s been 2 months and Adrien starts realizing that he hasn’t been seeing Romy at all. He starts feeling blue since she’s usually home when he’s home. He notices a letter on the coffee table. He wipes the dust off it and opens it.

“(11/07/19) Dear Adrien, I can’t do this anymore. I hate looking in an empty bed without the feeling of your warmth or the smell of your pumpkin smelling clothes. I can’t be with someone that won’t put their all in the relationship. I decided I’m leaving you for the meantime until you can fix your act. I’ll be waiting for you! Love, Romy.”

Adrien’s world breaks at that moment. She left him. Without even saying goodbye. He realizes that’s why the house has been so empty. It’s been empty for 2 months. He took 2 months realizing that she was gone. Why did she leave him? He was perfect. He has the looks, the personality, and…the unfaithfulness. It hits him. He isn’t perfect. He kept leaving her for others making her leave him. He’s so in love with her but just broke her. He needed to change for Romy. He needed to change.

Over the months, Adrien deleted all the girls he had on his phone, he stopped talking to other girls, he started to say he was taken, and he fixed his act. He walks into the coffee shop and the sweet smell of coffee hits him. He looks ahead and sees someone familiar. It’s Romy. She was still beautiful as ever and is glowing. Adrien blushes at the sight of her and gets excited. There’s no way of her rejecting him now. He walks up to her confidently and taps her shoulder. She turns around and is shocked. She stands there in disbelief. “Romy, I’ve changed. I changed for you, and I realized that you’re the love of my life. I need you in my life and I’m here for you to take me back!” Adrien says excitedly. Romy takes a step back from him. “Adrien…. I’ve moved on. That letter was written almost a year ago and I didn’t want to wait for someone that wouldn’t even be there for me. I’m seeing someone new.” Romy told him. Adrien was broken again. He just paused. “Oh Okay, I understand. Please be as happy as you can be.” He says with tears forming in his eyes. He quickly walks out and realizes he lost the love of his life and it’s all his fault.

The author's comments:

This piece is written from experiences that my friends and I have had and I decided to write it in a short story so I can heal from it.

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