Her First Love | Teen Ink

Her First Love

September 13, 2022
By justashley13 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
justashley13 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

An average teenage girl and her average high school life in an average town. Sophia is a junior in high school with not very many friends. She’s had a major crush on Victor since 2nd grade, but he’s with the mean popular snobby girl Vanessa. With homecoming coming up Sophia thinks she won’t have a chance to go with Victor or at all. No one even knew she liked Victor except her best friend Julia. Sophia lived a very basic life, not one that many thought was exciting. She didn’t party or drink or smoke. She was a normal girl that no one ever paid attention to. She was okay with that, but she wished that Victor would at least show her some attention.

            One thing about Sophia is that she is a typical nerdy girl. She’s captain of the debate team, and straight A student. Being a bit of a nerd makes her an easy target to bullying especially by Vanessa. Vanessa loves to bully Sophia any chance she gets she says something mean despite the fact they were once friends. Standing next to Vanessa, Sophia felt very insecure. She didn’t like the way she looked but she tried to not let it bother her. Julia on the other hand always made sure Sophia felt pretty. Sophia has admired Victor since 2nd grade. As far as she knew she was in love with him. He was the man of her dreams. He’s basketball captain, had hair as perfect as chocolate chips, good looks, and very popular. One issue was that he was dating Vanessa and has been since 6th grade. This for Sophia was always a major bummer. In the next few weeks Sophia would hear some life changing news for her. Rumors had started going around that Vanessa and Victor had been having some relationship issues. Maybe it was the end of their relationship soon. Things between the two were always rocky and everyone knew that. But if they broke up they always ended up back together. Everyone also knew that. Sophia still always had hope that their next breakup would be the last. She had hoped that Vanessa would disappear or that Victor would want her instead of Vanessa. She wanted Victor so much. Over the course of a few weeks people had heard that the twos relationship was getting worse. The rumor was that Vanessa cheated with some college dude but was that even news at this point? One day she had heard some news that gave her a definite chance. She was so happy.

            “It finally happened,” Julia said, “They broke up!”

            “They broke up. For good?” Sophia asked.

            “I don’t know if for good, but for a while now is your chance.”

            The breakup was swarming the entire school. Even the janitor knew. Sophia knew she would have a chance to talk to Victor because she had chemistry class with him. She was excited and decided to dress up nicely for school to impress him. The next day in class Sophia was paired up with Victor for a chemistry project. Somehow the odds were in her favor. She was super nervous and didn’t know how to react. She was certain she caught herself staring at him a couple of times. At first, she didn’t know what to say to him but finally he asked her how they wanted to do the project. She thought he was some mean popular boy, but he was actually very sweet and smart. Day after day the two start to get very close and day after day Victor thought less and less about Vanessa. Sophia hoped he would ask her to hoco but she wasn’t going to bother telling him that. Sophia thought he wasn’t going to ask her but just a few days before hoco he did in the cutest way ever with a poster and teddy bear. She was so happy to go it’s been her fairytale dream to go to homecoming with a cute boy like Victor. She never thought her a nerd would be going with the school’s popular boy. Sophia has dreamed of walking into homecoming in a nice pretty dress with all eyes on her. It’s been her main reason for wanting to go and of course being able to go with Victor was a huge plus. Sophia’s dream high school life started coming true and she felt life had started going her way.

            The couple walked into homecoming with all eyes on them. Everyone in shock over their matching outfits. They had an amazing time, one that Sophia could never forget. Sophia looked so stunning and for once in her left she felt happy with the way she looked. She didn’t even feel insecure, this made her best friend so happy for her. People had started viewing her the same way Julia did.  Everyone seemed to favor the two together. The whole school liked their relationship more than Victor and Vanessa. They became the number one couple of the school, the two were so cute together. When it was time to announce homecoming king and queen everyone was shocked to hear it was Sophia and Victor that had won. This upset Vanessa because she had always won, she was enraged. She tried and tried to sabotage but it didn’t work. No one would let Vanessa ruin the twos perfect relationship. The two lived happily being together and enjoyed the rest of high school together. She had eyes for only him.

The author's comments:

I love watching romance movies. Its my favorite type of genre. I hope that when people read my story it encourages them to be themselves and to never give up especially on something that they want. I hope they also get confident and don't let others bring them down. 

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