The Last Beautiful Summer | Teen Ink

The Last Beautiful Summer

January 26, 2023
By Anonymous

I’ve always loved those beautiful summer nights, the type of night that you don't want to go away. The sky was painted with pleasing unforgettable colors; purples and pinks with hints of burnt oranges. I looked down at the invitation in my hand, sitting on the dock that holds so many memories. I'll never forget the summer of 2024, the best and worst year of my life. It was June 18th, only a week into my summer. Oliver and I were sitting at the local drive-in, famous for the cheesy garlic fries. 

“So, Dehlia, what are the plans for this epic summer of ours?” asked Oliver, fiddling with his thumbs as he got more impatient for the food.

“Well, I talked to my dad and he said we could stay in the lake house all summer as long as no funny business happens,” I said, giggling as I finished my sentence.

Oliver gave me an innocent look, as if neither of us were capable of doing something like that, knowing damn well we have. Just then our waitress, my cousin Lisa, came by with our cheesy garlic fries. 

“Hey, kiddos, here's your food. So what are the plans for summer?”

I hate when she calls us kiddos. She's only 4 years older than us and acts half her age.

“My dad is letting us stay at the lake house for the summer.”

“Omg I remember when Uncle John let my friends and I stay there for the summer. We partied so much.” 

I remember that summer too. My dad let Lisa and two of her friends spend the summer there. She trashed the house and I got stuck cleaning. At the time I was going into eighth grade and Lisa invited me to hangout, only showing up at the lake house to see music blaring, people dancing and screaming. I had found Lisa in the upstairs bathroom, throwing her guts up. I ended up staying the night, sitting in the master bedroom with a bucket for everytime Lisa woke up. The following day I cleaned the house because I knew my dad would kill her if he found out there was a party. 

“Yup, I remember that too,” I said glaring at her like she owes me something 

 Lisa laughed, beginning to say something but being interrupted by another order being called in.

“See ya, kiddos.” 

After going to the drive-in, we drove to Oliver's house to tell his parents about the plans and to pack the bags. I was really stoked about this summer. It was a chance for Oliver and I to get some alone time and build up on our relationship. We'd been dating since 7th grade and had gone through everything together, but lately with all of our graduation and college applications, we hadn’t had time together. I knew we only have this summer until we both left for college and it made me sick knowing we had to end our relationship of six years. The summer had to be perfect, for us.

“I love this lake. It has so many memories of our childhood,” I said as we pulled into the drive-way.

“Yeah, I'm excited for this year. It's going to be perfect.” Oliver gave me a beautiful smile. When he smiled he had little smile wrinkles which were the cutest thing in the world.

The lake house had been in our family for generations. It had an old modern wooden cabin with a huge yard and the lake was always a light blue color. I had been spending summers here since I was born. 

The first three weeks of staying at the lake house were relaxing and loving. Oliver and I had tons of movie nights out on the back porch, watched all the sunsets we could, we made cookies and cakes destroying the kitchen in the process. I beat Oliver at all the bored games in the house. I felt like we’re in a great place in our relationship. Oliver had a hard time expressing feelings and loving someone for long periods of time; we’d taken multiple breaks and always came back to each other, but I was afraid that when we left for college we wouldn’t talk to each other and will have to break up. I’d been thinking about throwing a party at the house before the summer ended, the guest list was going to include our whole senior class.

“Hey, Oliver!” I yelled as I walked into the house coming back from the store, “we should throw a party, huh?”

“Really? What about your dad’s rule?” he said, giving me a gentle kiss on the forehead

“Ah screw it, we’ll make sure it doesn't get out of hand. It will be so much fun,” I said, knowing deep down that if my dad found out I would be killed and buried in the yard.

“Ok, I’m down. Sounds like fun.”

The following weekend everything was ready; the drinks, food and music were set. All we needed were the people. We told everyone nine but everyone began showing up at eight. Our whole senior class showed up. The party was going really well up until around ten o’clock when I couldn't find Oliver anywhere. I checked every room but ours and I began walking up the stairs and turned the hall when I heard laughs, his laugh and a girl? My heart dropped. I didn't want to see what I thought was on the other side of the door. I didn't want to believe he could do this. This wasn’t my Oliver, no it had to be someone else. I hesitated opening the door but I knew I had to open it. I turned the knob, swinging the door open with all my strength to see what I didn't want too. Oliver was slipping his jeans back on, with his hair sweaty and panting still catching his breath. A girl was putting her shirt back on. I knew this girl. It was Baily, my half sister who was a year older than me but in the same grade. Our mom died when we were young and never see each other now. She was putting her shirt back on, laughing telling Oliver how she enjoyed it. Enjoyed it? They must have not seen me at first because I stood there for a solid two minutes before I said something.

“Oliver, What the hell?” I whispered just loud enough for both of them to snap their heads towards me.

Sh*t, Dehlia,” was the only thing Oliver could get out of his mouth.

“Omg, you said she wouldn't come up here, Ollie,” Bailey said as she giggled knowing she has ruined our relationship now.

Everything became fuzzy. I felt like I was being suffocated. I walked out, down to the living room standing in the middle of the room, people began staring at me. I was pissed. I wanted everything to stop.


It's been two months now. I've been staying at the lake house because I'm deciding to take a gap year. I went out to check my mail and was going to sit and watch the sunset on the dock. As I walked out to the dock I saw the name, his name. It was an invitation to their wedding. It turns out Oliver and Bailey are having a baby. I'm not going to attend. I hate both of them. I'm still in love with him though, even though he broke my heart I'll always love him. Oliver and I experienced everything with each other and I'll always cherish it, no matter how angry I am at him. I haven't spoken to either of them since that night. Oliver had left that night with Bailey taking his stuff with her. I've come to the conclusion that they had been together for a while but that's not a definite thing. This summer was supposed to be epic and perfect, which is what it was but it also was the worst. I want to focus on myself now, and start my career without distractions. Our relationship was holding me back from being myself because I thought I had to be the perfect girlfriend. I crumpled the invitation in my hand as I leaned back on the dock watching the beautiful autumn sky. The unforgettable colors, purples, and pinks with hints of burnt oranges, the nights I love.

The author's comments:

A tragic love story, of two lovers. One gets heartbroken...

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