The High school Bully | Teen Ink

The High school Bully

April 21, 2023
By Anonymous

I should take a picture with my girls and post it on my Snapchat. 

“Girls come get a picture with me.”  

What should I caption it? I should tell people to meet up with us. . . Never mind, I will post it with the location on the bottom.

I just felt someone touch me so I turned around just to see my high school bully. I'm going to get payback for everything he did to me in high school.

Jake, what do you want from me? 

He really just had the audacity to start laughing at me. I'm gonna beat him up right now. I pounced on him and just staring punching him. This is what he gets for pouring milk on me once a week. This is for spreading rumors about me.

“Gosh, I hate you so much.”

I couldn't stop myself I had so much anger to release 

“Can we please talk this out?” he said.

“Okay fine say what you need to say.”

“I've been in love with you since freshman year and that's why I bullied you so much,” he said. 

I can’t believe he just said that I really liked him

“That’s still not an excuse to bully me and destroy my self-esteem”

“I know and I'm sorry I wish I did things differently but there's nothing I can do about it now,” he said.

“Why are you just now confessing this to me?” 

“I just felt like I needed to tell you,” he said.

“Well, I've liked you since freshman year even though you bullied me constantly.”

“I still like you but I have a girlfriend id leave her in a heartbeat for you though,” he said.

“How long have you guys been together?”

“It's only been a month so it’s not that serious,” he replied. 

“Well if you're serious about leaving her then I would love to go out sometime.”

“Great ill pick you up at noon tomorrow” he replied. 

The author's comments:

I'm Victoria. I'm a sophomore at Ridgway High School. I wrote this piece for my creative writing class. 

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