Last Memory | Teen Ink

Last Memory

May 11, 2023
By Maria-0180 BRONZE, Montgomery, Illinois
Maria-0180 BRONZE, Montgomery, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The day has come around again. He wakes me up with a kiss on the forehead and massages my hand “Good morning my love, we made it again” with another kiss touching my hairline. As the light always shines on his face during this day. He always made my favorite breakfast wrap with his secret ingredient no one will know. “My secret ingredient is ready to be eaten” He loves seeing my side eye smirk cause I always want to know it and getting it only once a year was a teaser. 

After eating we started dancing. Dancing our old bodies to our teenage years' playlist, for hours upon hours letting our era trend run through our fragile legs that kicked with memories of each step and arms swung with happiness, love, and the memories of their own with each song. Lunch rolled in and almost bye 

“Charles, my love it’s 14:30 let’s eat”, I said as I lowered the music and walked towards the kitchen.

 “Eat what, who are you why are you here”, Charles said I stopped right in the midst of my path and turned my head slowly to look at him. 

“Haha relax I will never forget this day or you” as he walked up behind me and squeezed me with his wrinkly warmth. 

“Heh okay let's not do that again okay you scared me” as I let him embrace me. 

“A ham sandwich with bacon and a Sprite babe” he let me go slowly, giving me my way to the kitchen with a smile. By the time I was done making the sandwich, I heard the yard door shut and him sitting on the sofa waiting for me. 

“Don’t worry I was just me coming from the Garden honey” as I walked towards him with his plate “Oh okay with the music still playing in the background and him bobbing his head to it.

“Remember that basketball game in college we stole the cameraman by you sitting on my lap sharing your bacon ham sandwich” with a warm smile sitting in the chair. 

“Yes, he missed the whole 2nd quarter of the game haha” I laughed tilting my nose up to the ceiling.

“Come here come sit” tapping his thigh with one hand and the other hand holding mine pulling me closer.

“No no” playfully pulling away with the feeling of tingles covering my feet. 

He smiles while holding my hand tighter passing comfort “I promise my bacon will get cold if you don’t sit on my lap woman” with love that never left over the 55 years we have been married. I turned

my body and gently sat on his lap. He moved his hand around my waist and smiled looking deep into my heart. I picked up the food while he picked up the remote and started the VHS. The first time I didn’t have to put it in or start it I felt pleased. The name of the tape is Forever Love, our 4hr movie. 

It starts with the bride stressing about her makeup, fanning her face, and crying with eyeliner running off her face. As Charles is taking his 2nd big bite from the sandwich 

“My face LOOK AT MY LINER AHHHHHH STOP RECORDING ME AHH” Charles starts laughing “This part will never get old you were stressing over nothing babe the makeup was so beautiful until u started crying that mess up wasn’t noticeable” while rubbing my back and resting my body against. “Now that I think about it, I guess you're right! It wasn’t but still, she shouldn’t have scared me” as I looked deeply into his eyes. The movie shifted to his morning, Charles was walking around in his boxers worrying about his pants,” AYO WHERE IS MY PANTS, I CAN'T BELIEVE I LOST MY PANTS I’M IN SERVICE AND I LOST MY PANTS” As soon as Charles looked towards the head of that bed that day he started laughing and for that 1st time out of 54 years of watching this I laughed too. He couldn’t find it even though the pants were on the 

headboard of the bed the whole time. We laughed at ourselves and each other because somehow we never found any of those moments old. I leaned my head against him as I felt him drafting into a sleep that never happened before on this day. I got up to put the last two bites  of the sandwich in the garbage and then he yelled from the living room half asleep “COME BACK TO ME” I put the plate down and started walking back to find him in the reclined chair tapping his thigh with hand signaling me to nap with him. I walked back into the living room and cuddled with him, his Marnie's Corps body never left. 

I woke up after 2hrs in the movie, where I was walking down the aisle looking at him with tears streaming down my face. I looked at Charles during this moment and saw tears flowing down. I wipe his tears away with my thumb and say “Are you okay”, he looks down at me and gives me a rose that was from our garden as he says “You rose beautifully with the sun this morning” As I take the rose “Thanks but are you feeling okay” Charles looked at me with sad eyes “I’m afraid that I’m starting to forget things slowly and I don’t want to forget you” I start to bury my head in his chest saying “it's okay I will help you” because I dare not to tell him for 10 years of Charles saying “get away from me I don't know you” has already happened. It was just this day out of the year he never forgot. 

“Sarah I remembered our promise, I will forget this day” as he stared at that TV watching us kiss after I DO. I saw the tears of sadness in his eyes for the first time, as time turned his eyes were also turning into a blank space like a living shell. 

I’m watching our memories and thoughts begin to get with no love for you at the end. I think he forgot who I am, who we are, and what we are. Since only the tv filled the air and the void in his eyes “I love you Sarah Cindey Carter and wife” he shut his eyes leaving his last breath to take the air. My eyes got big as I saw silent happiness on his face realizing his last memory is him remembering me. 

“Sarah, honey it’s time for you to go to sleep” as the nurse walked into the room. Sarah looked up at the nurse saying “I think he is coming back to me tonight” as the nurse was taking her into the bed, with a double look at the end. “Who is coming back for you” with the concerned look on the nurse “I forgot his name but I know he loves me” With a smile Sarah said. The Nurse shuts the lights off saying “ok honey. Goodnight” leaving the room having a feeling that Sarah is right this time tonight.

The author's comments:

I saw a video about preventing dementia while it's in the early stages. 

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