Books and Coffee | Teen Ink

Books and Coffee

December 17, 2023
By isabelro4a4 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
isabelro4a4 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Aria loved working in a coffee shop, she loved the ambiance, the smell, the lighting, and the cozy seating but her favorite part was the people. The older couples on dates. The students trying to get work but failing miserably. The businessmen who are always in a huge rush but still buy coffee anyway. When there was down time nothing to clean or organize she read books. Dystopian, fantasy, anything with a love story. Not many read books anymore, she hardly ever saw anyone holding something other than a phone or a laptop but when she did she would watch them, trying to capture every detail in their faces to see how invested they were in their book. Some smiled and laughed displaying their emotions others showed none. When she saw someone like that it frustrated her, how could they not love the words that come to life capturing every detail and creating worlds to escape to?

Elliot came in every Wednesday without fail. He always had a book and he’d read for about an hour with a blank stare then he’d leave. His mannerisms and facial expressions told Aria nothing he was a puzzle she was determined to solve. She desperately wanted to know his thoughts on these books, why didn’t he like reading he always looked bored, so why did he keep doing it?

So she asked him.

“Why do you read if you don’t like it?” She asked gingerly as she handed him his tea, she expected him to say it was some sort of requirement. 

“How do you know I don’t like reading?” Elliot questioned back. Aria blushed, if she admitted to watching him, that would be odd, so she responded with,

“Just a guess.” Along with a shrug of her shoulders. 

Elliot chuckled softly and reached for the tea in her hand his hand gently grazing hers as he took it. “I read because the cute barista seems to love it so I wanted to understand the obsession”

“How do you know I love it?” Aria mimicked.

“You’re not the only one who watches, I see your expressions. You smile the biggest when your head is stuck in a book. It’s like you can see the characters you're in a whole other place when you read.” Elliot smiled at her, he rocked on his heels nervously. 

“Maybe I can show you some better books and you can come to my worlds?” Aria had a bright-toothed smile on her face, she wanted him to take the offer. 

“I’d like that Aria.” Elliot smiled at her one last time and took his seat in a corner of the shop. He stayed there waiting for her to get off of work. Once she sat down they began their conversation, a never-ending one.

For the rest of their life, Aria would show Elliot books and he would do his best to read them, he never loved like Aria did. But she loved them, and he loved her. 

The author's comments:

I wrote this because I love the idea of falling in love naturally, finding that person in a place you both love. 

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