Bottomless | Teen Ink


May 8, 2024
By cait161 BRONZE, Greensboro, North Carolina
cait161 BRONZE, Greensboro, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

There was a painter. They wanted to color the beauty that lies within the world. 

They took their easel to the highest peak and pied the most enticing sunset.

There was a writer. They wanted to illustrate the purest forms of the love that roamed this world. So they observed the most rawest, most genuine parts of society and created poetic masterpieces. 

There was a photographer. They wanted to capture the world's most fascinating mysteries. 

 So they traveled to the outskirts of earth and photographed images only imagined to be found in     magazines. 

There will always be artists in every form.

There will always be new wonders and attractions, and beautiful landscapes.

 There will always be thousands of museums and libraries and showrooms to show off that art.

But there will never be paint vibrant enough.

There will never be a pencil sharp enough.

There will never be a camera clear enough. And there will never be a museum, library, or showroom that's big enough to capture and hold the beauty and art that is within you. 

The author's comments:

Wrote it about my boyfriend because I love him and he inspires me 

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