Missed love | Teen Ink

Missed love

May 17, 2024
By christian_21 BRONZE, Willits, California
christian_21 BRONZE, Willits, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My evil love, you inspire me to write,
Of hatred in love, a twisted delight.
With venomous words, you pierce my heart's core,
Yet still, I'm drawn to you, craving for more.

In passion's embrace, we dance a cruel dance,
A toxic romance, a twisted romance.
Your touch, a dagger, leaves scars deep within,
But I'm captivated by this love, this sin.

Oh, how I hate the way you make me feel,
Yet I'm addicted to the pain, it's real.
In this dark abyss, love and hate entwine,
A love so wicked, it's hard to define.

So here I am, consumed by love's cruel game,
Hatred and passion, forever the same.

The author's comments:

It was dedicated to a person I miss but don't want. 

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